Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19: List all COVID 19 Investigational Trials Authorized by Health Canada for Medical Devices

Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19: List all COVID 19 Investigational Trials Authorized by Health Canada for Medical Devices There are diagnostics tests, masks and a thermal camera now available through an Interim Order that allows expedited access to COVID-19-related medical devices. Health Canada has also expedited authorization for medical device establishment licence (MDEL) applications related to products such as masks and respirators. 2020-04-23 Health Canada Health and SafetyDiagnostics testsmasksthermal camerarespiratorsCOVID-19-related medical devices and medical device establishment licence (MDEL). Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19: List all COVID 19 Investigational Trials Authorized by Health Canada for Medical DevicesHTML Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19: List all COVID 19 Investigational Trials Authorized by Health Canada for Medical DevicesHTML

There are diagnostics tests, masks and a thermal camera now available through an Interim Order that allows expedited access to COVID-19-related medical devices. Health Canada has also expedited authorization for medical device establishment licence (MDEL) applications related to products such as masks and respirators.

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