Soil Texture by Ecoregion

Soil Texture by Ecoregion The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Soil Texture by Ecoregion” dataset contains tables that provide soil texture information within the ecoregion framework polygon. It provides soil texture codes and their English and French language descriptions as well as the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Soil texture indicates the relative proportions of the various soil separates (sand, silt, clay) as described by classes of texture. Soil separates are mineral particles, 2.0 mm in diameter and include: gravel 0.2 -7.5 cm and cobbles 7.5-25.0 cm. There are 12 texture group classes definitions and one class definition for Not Applicable (which indicates, for example, water, ice or urban areas). 2024-09-10 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyEnvironmentEcologyTerrestrial ecosystems Data Product Specification (English)PDF Data Product Specification (French)PDF Pre-packaged FGDB filesFGDB/GDB Pre-packaged GeoJSON filesGEOJSON Soil Texture by EcoregionESRI REST Soil Texture by EcoregionESRI REST

The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Soil Texture by Ecoregion” dataset contains tables that provide soil texture information within the ecoregion framework polygon. It provides soil texture codes and their English and French language descriptions as well as the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies.

Soil texture indicates the relative proportions of the various soil separates (sand, silt, clay) as described by classes of texture. Soil separates are mineral particles, 2.0 mm in diameter and include: gravel 0.2 -7.5 cm and cobbles 7.5-25.0 cm. There are 12 texture group classes definitions and one class definition for Not Applicable (which indicates, for example, water, ice or urban areas).

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