Importance of the forest industry to the regional economy

Importance of the forest industry to the regional economy Many communities in Canada depend to some extent on forestry and the forest sector. The importance of the forest industry to the regional economy can be assessed using the CanEcumene GIS Database. “Ecumene” is a term used by geographers, meaning “inhabited lands.” A forest ecumene refers to areas where human settlement coincides with forested areas, including locations where people depend on the forest for their livelihood. Populated places in the ecumene database are referenced using natural boundaries, as opposed to administrative or census boundaries, and provide a more suitable means for integrating socio-economic data with ecological and environmental data in a region. An analysis of ecumene labour force data and location of mill facilities resulted in a generalized rendering showing regional dependency of the forest industry. The location of mill facilities layer includes information on mill type (i.e., pulp and saw) and ownership. The sensitivity to forest industry layer shows which forest communities and regions are more sensitive to economic impacts in the forest industry. Two layers are provided: the sensitivity of forest communities and regions to forest industry, and the location of mill facilities. 2022-02-07 Natural Resources Canada Nature and Environmentforest ecumenemill facilitieslabour forcesensitivity to forest industryforest communityForestry industryForestry Importance of the forest industry to the regional economy (English ESRI File Geodatabase)FGDB/GDB Importance of the forest industry to the regional economyWMS Importance of the forest industry to the regional economyWMS Importance of the forest industry to the regional economy (French ESRI File Geodatabase)FGDB/GDB Location of mill facilities (English Google Earth file)KML Location of mill facilities (French Google Earth file)KML Sensitivity of communities and regions to forest industry (English Google Earth file)KML Sensitivity of communities and regions to forest industry (French Google Earth file)KML Importance of the forest industry to the regional economyESRI REST Importance of the forest industry to the regional economyESRI REST Importance of the forest industry to the regional economy (English ArcMap project file)MXD Importance of the forest industry to the regional economy (French ArcMap project file)MXD

Many communities in Canada depend to some extent on forestry and the forest sector. The importance of the forest industry to the regional economy can be assessed using the CanEcumene GIS Database. “Ecumene” is a term used by geographers, meaning “inhabited lands.” A forest ecumene refers to areas where human settlement coincides with forested areas, including locations where people depend on the forest for their livelihood. Populated places in the ecumene database are referenced using natural boundaries, as opposed to administrative or census boundaries, and provide a more suitable means for integrating socio-economic data with ecological and environmental data in a region.

An analysis of ecumene labour force data and location of mill facilities resulted in a generalized rendering showing regional dependency of the forest industry. The location of mill facilities layer includes information on mill type (i.e., pulp and saw) and ownership. The sensitivity to forest industry layer shows which forest communities and regions are more sensitive to economic impacts in the forest industry.

Two layers are provided: the sensitivity of forest communities and regions to forest industry, and the location of mill facilities.

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