Livestock at Large Regulations in British Columbia

Livestock at Large Regulations in British Columbia In British Columbia, there are over 100 Livestock Districts, Bull Control Areas and Pound Districts established by regulation under the Livestock Act. Livestock Districts, with minor exceptions, are areas where livestock may run at large within the district boundaries. Bull Control Areas are areas within Livestock District, in which Bull Control Committees may make rules respecting the number, breed, breeding, quality and age of bulls allowed to run at large. Pound Districts are areas where keepers, peace officers and others may impound animals at large, and allow for the sale of unclaimed impounded animals and the reimbursement of the keeper. The regulations are published in the British Columbia Gazette Part II. The current Index of Current B.C. Regulations provides a complete list. Search Orders in Council from to view related Orders in Council including metes and bounds descriptions. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Agricultureagriculturelivestock at largelivstock districtpound districtGovernment information Original metadata ( BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML ADM_LIVESTOCK_AT_LRG_AREAS_SPKML BC Map Hub Layer (ArcGIS Online)ESRI REST BC Map Hub Layer (ArcGIS Online)ESRI REST ADM_LIVESTOCK_AT_LRG_AREAS_SPWMS ADM_LIVESTOCK_AT_LRG_AREAS_SPWMS Livestock at Large in BC, web map applicationESRI REST Livestock at Large in BC, web map applicationESRI REST

In British Columbia, there are over 100 Livestock Districts, Bull Control Areas and Pound Districts established by regulation under the Livestock Act. Livestock Districts, with minor exceptions, are areas where livestock may run at large within the district boundaries. Bull Control Areas are areas within Livestock District, in which Bull Control Committees may make rules respecting the number, breed, breeding, quality and age of bulls allowed to run at large. Pound Districts are areas where keepers, peace officers and others may impound animals at large, and allow for the sale of unclaimed impounded animals and the reimbursement of the keeper. The regulations are published in the British Columbia Gazette Part II. The current Index of Current B.C. Regulations provides a complete list. Search Orders in Council from to view related Orders in Council including metes and bounds descriptions.

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