Construction, transformation and demolition permits

Construction, transformation and demolition permits This data set lists all permits issued to citizens by the boroughs of the city of Montreal for the construction, transformation or demolition of a building or property. More details on the regulations governing these permits are available on [] ( The statistical file provides an overall view of permit costs as well as estimated work costs grouped by year of issue, by district and by type of permit. *Note that these costs have no legal value and inaccuracies may exist due to the variable collection methods depending on the districts. ***This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2025-02-05 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Construction, transformation and demolition permitsCSV Statistics on permits for construction, transformation and demolitionCSV Construction, transformation and demolition permitsGEOJSON Data visualizationHTML Original metadata ( Construction, transformation and demolition permitsSHP

This data set lists all permits issued to citizens by the boroughs of the city of Montreal for the construction, transformation or demolition of a building or property. More details on the regulations governing these permits are available on [] ( The statistical file provides an overall view of permit costs as well as estimated work costs grouped by year of issue, by district and by type of permit. Note that these costs have no legal value and inaccuracies may exist due to the variable collection methods depending on the districts. This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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