Space Weather - Geomagnetic Activity Zones
The magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the electromagnetic environment of the solar system. The disturbed interplanetary environment changes the conditions of the natural electromagnetic environment of our planet and affects normal operation of space and ground technological infrastructures, such as power grids and pipelines.Geomagnetic activity can be described by the sizes of the disturbances in the Earth magnetic field and how often they occur. Geomagnetic activity depends on the geographic location of the observing point. It is defined by the geometry of the Earth’s geomagnetic field and its interaction with both the charged particles produced by the Sun and the solar/interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations. Canadian territory covers three zones of geomagnetic activity: the polar cap (north of Cambridge Bay), the auroral zone (between Cambridge Bay and Meanook) and the subauroral zone (south of Meanook). The highest geomagnetic activity is observed in the auroral zone.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Natural Resources Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
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