Old Age Security (OAS) - Table of Benefit Amounts by marital status and income level
This dataset provides information on Benefits Amounts for Income Supplement and the Allowances according to income level and marital status. This is updated on a quarterly basis. The following tables of amounts will provide you with the amount of your monthly benefit, which will be based on your age, income level and marital status. The dataset is updated for July - September 2024 quarter.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Employment and Social Development Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Table 1 - GIS for single person who receives an OAS pensionCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Table 2 - GIS for spouse/common-law partner of someone who receives an OAS pensionCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Table 3 - GIS for spouse/common-law partner of someone who does not receive an OAS pensionCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Table 4 - GIS and Allowance for coupleCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Table 5 - Allowance for the SurvivorCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Table 1 - GIS for single person who receives an OAS pensionXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
Table 2 - GIS for spouse/common-law partner of someone who receives an OAS pensionXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
Table 3 - GIS for spouse/common-law partner of someone who does not receive an OAS pensionXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
Table 4 - GIS and Allowance for coupleXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
Table 5 - Allowance for the SurvivorXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
Table of Amounts July to September 2024PDFEnglish French dataset PDF
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