Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 - 2010

Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 - 2010 The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, MPB) is native to western Canada. It attacks all pine including lodgepole, limber, whitebark and jack pine. Over the past 40 years the range of mountain pine beetle has expanded, possibly due to changes in the area of climatically suitable habitat. Known Limitations: The areas surveyed each year can be different and therefore year over year comparisons may be difficult. the surveyors do not do ground truthing for all disturbances identified, therefore it is not guaranteed that all of the disturbances are caused by MPB. the surveyors do not necessarily map tree patches less than three red trees and therefore the dataset may not include all MPB killed trees. 'grey' attacked trees are not captured. the surveyors attempt to distinguish between 'new' faders and 'old' faders but the accuracy of this distinction is not guaranteed and therefore the data may reflect several years and several generations of MPB attack. Beetle year is August 15 of current year - August 14 of following year. This dataset contains data from 1975 to 2010. Data from 2011 onward is available as a separate dataset. 2024-05-02 Government of Alberta Nature and Environment-CANADAAERIAL-SURVEYALBERTABIOTADENDROCTONUS-PONDEROSAEENVIRONMENTMOUNTAIN-PINE-BEETLEMPBGovernment information Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 - 2010 - (HTML)HTML Original metadata ( Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 - 2010 - (PDF)PDF$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/formain15619/$file/ForestHealthAerialSurveyManual-Oct2012.pdf Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 - 2010 - (XML)XML Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 to 2010 (FGDB) (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)ZIP

The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, MPB) is native to western Canada. It attacks all pine including lodgepole, limber, whitebark and jack pine. Over the past 40 years the range of mountain pine beetle has expanded, possibly due to changes in the area of climatically suitable habitat. Known Limitations: The areas surveyed each year can be different and therefore year over year comparisons may be difficult. the surveyors do not do ground truthing for all disturbances identified, therefore it is not guaranteed that all of the disturbances are caused by MPB. the surveyors do not necessarily map tree patches less than three red trees and therefore the dataset may not include all MPB killed trees. 'grey' attacked trees are not captured. the surveyors attempt to distinguish between 'new' faders and 'old' faders but the accuracy of this distinction is not guaranteed and therefore the data may reflect several years and several generations of MPB attack. Beetle year is August 15 of current year - August 14 of following year. This dataset contains data from 1975 to 2010. Data from 2011 onward is available as a separate dataset.

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