BC Wildfire Fire Incident Locations - Historical

BC Wildfire Fire Incident Locations - Historical Wildfire historic incident point locations for all fire seasons before the current season. Supplied through various sources. Not to be used for legal purposes. This data includes all incidents tracked by BC Wildfire Service, ie. actual fires, suspected fires, nusiance fires, smoke chases, etc. On April 1 of each year this layer is updated with the previous fire season's data 2024-05-08 Government of British Columbia BCWILDFIREGEO@gov.bc.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technologyemergency managementfire locationfire pointincident locationincident pointswildfireGovernment information Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-wildfire-fire-incident-locations-historical PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SPKML https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/kml/geo/layers/WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SP_loader.kml Download KMZ Files by SeasonKMZ https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/ftp/HPR/external/!publish/Maps_and_Data/GoogleEarth/WMB_Fires/ PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SPWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SP/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SP&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SPWMS https://openmaps.gov.bc.ca/geo/pub/WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SP/ows?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&layers=pub:WHSE_LAND_AND_NATURAL_RESOURCE.PROT_HISTORICAL_INCIDENTS_SP&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/plain

Wildfire historic incident point locations for all fire seasons before the current season. Supplied through various sources. Not to be used for legal purposes. This data includes all incidents tracked by BC Wildfire Service, ie. actual fires, suspected fires, nusiance fires, smoke chases, etc. On April 1 of each year this layer is updated with the previous fire season's data

Made available by the Government of British Columbia

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: BCWILDFIREGEO@gov.bc.ca

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