Historical disaster events and cost summary

Historical disaster events and cost summary This dataset provides information on historical disaster events in Alberta and their associated cost summaries. The figures show what the province has paid to date under the Disaster Recovery Program for each of the events specified. The Disaster Recovery program provides financial assistance to Albertans or communities facing uninsurable property losses or damages resulting from a disaster. Provincial costs may be eligible for reimbursement under the federal Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements. These figures reflect the total costs the province has incurred notwithstanding any federal reimbursement. 2024-08-28 Government of Alberta AEMA.ProgramInterpretation@gov.ab.ca Health and Safetydisaster costsdisaster recovery programsdisasters Historical disaster events and cost summaryXLSX https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/e3b07471-8cc7-431d-b7e3-eb20aae80413/resource/fc82336a-bdb9-4f5b-aebb-9be55733ac5d/download/pses-historical-disaster-events-cost-summary.xlsx Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/e3b07471-8cc7-431d-b7e3-eb20aae80413

This dataset provides information on historical disaster events in Alberta and their associated cost summaries. The figures show what the province has paid to date under the Disaster Recovery Program for each of the events specified. The Disaster Recovery program provides financial assistance to Albertans or communities facing uninsurable property losses or damages resulting from a disaster. Provincial costs may be eligible for reimbursement under the federal Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements. These figures reflect the total costs the province has incurred notwithstanding any federal reimbursement.

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Electronic Mail Address: AEMA.ProgramInterpretation@gov.ab.ca

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