This data set reflects child care programs in Alberta licensed under the Child Care Licensing Act (prior to February 2021) and under the Early Learning and Child Care Act (February 2021 and after). Data prior to February 2021 included reflects child care programs in Alberta licensed under the Child Care Licensing Act. Program types under the Child Care Licensing Act included day care programs, out-of-school care programs, preschool programs, group family child care, family day homes (approved by a licensed family day home agency), and innovative child care programs. In February 2021, child care licensing changed from program-based to facility-based under the Early Learning and Child Care Act. There are now four types of licenses: facility-based programs, group family child care programs, family day homes (approved by a licensed family day home agency), and innovative child care programs. A facility-based program can have any of the three program types under a single license: day care, out of school care and/or preschool programs. Following this change, no new licenses could be issued for innovative programs, however, existing programs were allowed to continue to operate indefinitely under the former Child Care Licensing Act. Family day home agencies and group family child care programs were not impacted by this change. Please Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related mitigation measures, many of the listed child care programs were not open or able to operate at full capacity. • Program ID: a unique identifier for each program. Note that due to the change in program types in February 2021, Program IDs from March 2021 forward are not directly comparable to historical data. • Program Name/Address/Postal Code/Phone Number: The name, address, postal code and phone number of the child care program recorded in the Ministry’s Child Care Information System. • Type of Program: child care program types include: day care, out of school care, preschool, family day home, group family child care and innovative child care. Note that due to change in February 2021, day care, out of school care and preschool care are grouped as facility-based programs. • Day Care Y/N; Out of School Care Y/N; Preschool Care Y/N: indicates the type of programs located at a location with a facility-based license. Note that this only applies to data from March 2021 onward. • Capacity: indicates the maximum number of licensed/approved spaces a program is approved. • Inspection Date: indicates the date, within the last 18 months, that an inspection was completed by a Child and Family Services licensing officer or contract manager. • Inspection Reason: indicates the type of inspection visit. Licensing Officers visit child care programs for a number of reasons including scheduled inspections and complaint investigations. • Non-Compliance: identifies the non-compliance that was issued to a licensed child care program during an inspection as per the Early Learning and Child Care Regulation. Non-compliances issued to a family day home agency reflect Agency non-compliances as well as family day home provider non-compliances, identified during the Region’s review of 10 per cent of the agency’s providers. • Enforcement Action: identifies the type of enforcement action issued. • Remedy Date: identifies when the non-compliance was remedied by the child care program/agency.
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
Child Care Information - March 2022CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - September 2022CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information September 2017CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - September 2021CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - December 2022CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - March 2024CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - June 2022CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information March 2019CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information June 2017CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - June 2023CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information September 2019CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - December 2021CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - December 2018XLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
Child Care Information - September 2018CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information March 2018CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information March 2016CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information June 2020CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information December 2019CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information December 2020CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - September 2023CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - June 2021CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - Usage ConsiderationsPDFEnglish guide PDF
Child Care Information - March 2023CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information September 2020CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - March 2021CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - June 2024CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information December 2017CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information September 2016CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information March 2017CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information December 2016CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information June 2019CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information June 2016CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information March 2020CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information September 2015CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information - December 2023CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information June 2018CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Child Care Information December 2015CSVEnglish dataset CSV
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