The Seniors, Community and Social Services Delivery Zones dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the service delivery regions established for the Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services. Seniors, Community and Social Services delivers services and supports to Albertans in a complex and interconnected environment of substantial change, both externally and internally. Externally, a diverse population, an economic downturn, and relationships with families and stakeholders affect how the department conducts its business. Internally, the department continues to transform the way it supports Albertans through a person-centred, integrated service delivery model that recognizes the unique circumstances, experiences and strengths of individuals and families.
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
Seniors, Community and Social Services Delivery Zones - (HTML)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Original metadata ( dataset HTML
Seniors, Community and Social Services Delivery Zones - (XML)XMLEnglish dataset XML
Seniors, Community and Social Services Delivery Zones - (Others)otherEnglish dataset Other
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