Surface Form by Ecoregion

Surface Form by Ecoregion The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Form by Ecoregion" dataset contains tables that provide surface form information for components within the ecoregion framework polygon. It provides surface form codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface form descriptions describe assemblages of slopes or recurring patterns of forms that occur at the earth's surface. When applied to consolidated materials (material that has been transformed to hard rock), it refers to the form produced after modification by geological processes. The mineral soil surface forms are: dissected; hummocky (irregular); inclined; level, rolling; ridged; steep; terraced; undulating. The wetland surface forms are: bog; fen; marsh; swamp. 2023-02-23 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada infocansis@AGR.GC.CA Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyTerrestrial ecosystemsEcologyEcosystems Data Product Specification (English)PDF Data Product Specification (French)PDF Pre-packaged FGDB filesFGDB/GDB Pre-packaged GeoJSON filesGEOJSON Surface Form by EcoregionESRI REST Surface Form by EcoregionESRI REST Surface Form by EcoregionWMS Surface Form by EcoregionWMS

The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Surface Form by Ecoregion" dataset contains tables that provide surface form information for components within the ecoregion framework polygon. It provides surface form codes and their English and French-language descriptions as well as information about the percentage of the polygon that the component occupies. Surface form descriptions describe assemblages of slopes or recurring patterns of forms that occur at the earth's surface. When applied to consolidated materials (material that has been transformed to hard rock), it refers to the form produced after modification by geological processes. The mineral soil surface forms are: dissected; hummocky (irregular); inclined; level, rolling; ridged; steep; terraced; undulating. The wetland surface forms are: bog; fen; marsh; swamp.

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Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: infocansis@AGR.GC.CA

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