Residents on books in residential care facilities, by age group, sex, principal characteristic of the predominant group of residents and size of facility, Canada, provinces and territories

Residents on books in residential care facilities, by age group, sex, principal characteristic of the predominant group of residents and size of facility, Canada, provinces and territories <p>This table contains 3050 series, with data for years 1984 - 2009 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (not all combinations are available): Geography (13 items: Canada; Newfoundland and Labrador; Provinces; Prince Edward Island ...), Predominant group of residents and size of facility (10 items: Total; residential care facilities; Total; homes for the aged; Homes for the aged; 20 to 49 beds; Homes for the aged; 1 to 19 beds ...), Characteristics (25 items: Operating residential care facilities; Reporting residential care facilities; Reporting residential care facilities; approved beds; Operating residential care facilities; approved beds ...).</p> 2023-01-17 Statistics Canada Health and Safetyhealthhealth care servicesresidential caretable DatasetCSV DatasetCSV DatasetXML Supporting DocumentHTML Supporting DocumentHTML

This table contains 3050 series, with data for years 1984 - 2009 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following dimensions (not all combinations are available): Geography (13 items: Canada; Newfoundland and Labrador; Provinces; Prince Edward Island ...), Predominant group of residents and size of facility (10 items: Total; residential care facilities; Total; homes for the aged; Homes for the aged; 20 to 49 beds; Homes for the aged; 1 to 19 beds ...), Characteristics (25 items: Operating residential care facilities; Reporting residential care facilities; Reporting residential care facilities; approved beds; Operating residential care facilities; approved beds ...).

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