A shapefile of freshwater water bodies hat have been sampled as part of the Nova Scotia Lake Survey. The Nova Scotia Lake Survey program is a partnership initiative between Nova Scotia Environment (NSE) and Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture (NSDFA) to inventory lakes throughout the province determining baseline water quality, in support of both sport fisheries and water resource management areas. The following weblink connects to a Nova Scotia Environment web map that includes the locations of the monitored lakes within the province and an alternative method for downloading the same lake chemistry dataset: http://nse.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7ded7a30bef44f848e8a4fc8672c89bd
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Nova Scotia
- Licence: Open Government Licence – Nova Scotia
Data and Resources
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (CSV)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (CSV Excel)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (CSV Excel (EU))CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (Geojson)GEOJSONEnglish dataset GEOJSON
Nova Scotia original metadata (https://data.novascotia.ca)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations - Advanced ViewHTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (KML)KMLEnglish dataset KML
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (KMZ)KMZEnglish dataset KMZ
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (RSS)RSSEnglish dataset RSS
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (Shapefile)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (XML)XMLEnglish dataset XML
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (TSV)otherEnglish dataset other
Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations (RDF)otherEnglish dataset other
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