History of the Federal Electoral Ridings, 1867-2010

History of the Federal Electoral Ridings, 1867-2010 "The History of the Federal Electoral Ridings, 1867-2010" dataset provides information on the electoral history of Canada since Confederation. Included you will find the name, gender, occupation, party affiliation, election results of all the candidates to all the federal elections by riding. The Library of Parliament would appreciate your feedback regarding your use of the data. Feedback can be sent to the following e-mail address: info@parl.gc.ca 2024-11-20 Library of Parliament info@parl.gc.ca Government and PoliticsElectionBy-electionRidingConstituencyElectoral districtCandidateElectoral resultElectedAcclamationDefeatedVotes obtainedPercentage of valid votesParliamentHouse of Commons DatasetCSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/ea8f2c37-90b6-4fee-857e-984d3060184e/resource/5c8ab22c-4a5e-494b-879a-e0611bc10a95/download/hfer_e.csv Data DictionaryTXT http://data.gc.ca/commonwebsol/fileuploads/3/D/2/3D2A62E5-931F-4C3A-A959-9FA75CCA2BF6/HFEREnsembeDeDonnéesDéfinitions.txt Data DictionaryTXT http://data.gc.ca/commonwebsol/fileuploads/4/4/F/44FAA61D-BF17-4C87-B9B7-70F9F21AE495/HFERDatasetDefinitions.txt DatasetCSV http://www.bdp.parl.gc.ca/Content/LOP/OpenData/HFER_f.csv

"The History of the Federal Electoral Ridings, 1867-2010" dataset provides information on the electoral history of Canada since Confederation.

Included you will find the name, gender, occupation, party affiliation, election results of all the candidates to all the federal elections by riding.

The Library of Parliament would appreciate your feedback regarding your use of the data.

Feedback can be sent to the following e-mail address: info@parl.gc.ca

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