The Big Game Harvest Statistics annual dataset provides a summary of hunting activity for big game species in British Columbia. The data is presented at the wildlife management unit (WMU), region and province levels, and is compiled from the following data sources: - Compulsory Inspection database - Hunter Sample Survey estimates - Guide Outfitter Reports (Declarations) - Permit to Accompany Reports See the Background & Interpretation document for tips on using the Big Game Harvest Statistics dataset.
Made available by the Government of British Columbia
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of British Columbia
- Licence: Open Government Licence - British Columbia
Data and Resources
Field Definitions - Big Game Harvest StatisticsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
Big Game Harvest Statistics 1976 to 2023XLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
Big Game Harvest Statistics 1976 to 2023 - RegionCSVEnglish dataset CSV
Background & Interpretation - Big Game Harvest StatisticsPDFEnglish guide PDF
Big Game Harvest Statistics 1976 to 2023- ProvinceCSVEnglish dataset CSV
Big Game Harvest Statistics 1976 to 2023 - WMUCSVEnglish dataset CSV
Original metadata ( website HTML
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