Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013

Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013 This product provides the variability index for selected drainage regions in Canada. Variability is measured using a coefficient of variation (CV) to compare all months over a 42-year time period and is a measure of the dispersion or variation in the monthly yield values from 1971 to 2013 (and 1971 to 2012 for drainage region 1). It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean or the standard deviation divided by the mean, with higher CVs indicating more variability in monthly water yields. The monthly variability was not calculated for drainage regions 5, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, or the Labrador portion of 25. 2022-03-22 Statistics Canada francois.soulard@canada.ca Nature and EnvironmentWater yield variability indexWater supplyWaterGeographic dataSurface waterFresh water Water yield variability index spatial data files (Bilingual)FGDB/GDB https://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/statcan_statcan/Fresh-water_Eau-douce/freshwater-variability_variabilite-eau-douce/Freshwater_Eau_douce_Canada.gdb.zip Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013, release in Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada (map) (English)HTML https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-201-x/2017000/sec-2/m-c/m-c-2.2-eng.htm Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013, release in Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada (map) (French)HTML https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-201-x/2017000/sec-2/m-c/m-c-2.2-fra.htm Human Activity and the Environment 2016: Freshwater in Canada (full publication) (English)HTML https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-201-x/16-201-x2017000-eng.htm Human Activity and the Environment 2016: Freshwater in Canada (full publication) (French)HTML https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-201-x/16-201-x2017000-fra.htm Human Activity and the Environment 2016: Freshwater in Canada (full publication) (English)PDF https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-201-x/16-201-x2017000-eng.pdf Human Activity and the Environment 2016: Freshwater in Canada (full publication) (French)PDF https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-201-x/16-201-x2017000-fra.pdf Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada, release in the The Daily, Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin (overview) (English)HTML https://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/170321/dq170321b-eng.htm Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada, release in the The Daily, Statistics Canada’s official release bulletin (overview) (French)HTML https://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/170321/dq170321b-fra.htm Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013WMS https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/services/StatCan/Freshwater_Variability_En/MapServer/WMSServer?layers=0&legend_format=image%2Fpng&feature_info_type=text%2Fhtml&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013WMS https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/services/StatCan/Freshwater_Variability_Fr/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS&version=1.3.0&layers=0&legend_format=image%2Fpng&feature_info_type=text%2Fhtml Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013ESRI REST https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/rest/services/StatCan/Freshwater_Variability_En/MapServer/0 Water yield variability index, selected drainage regions, 1971 to 2013ESRI REST https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/rest/services/StatCan/Freshwater_Variability_Fr/MapServer/0

This product provides the variability index for selected drainage regions in Canada. Variability is measured using a coefficient of variation (CV) to compare all months over a 42-year time period and is a measure of the dispersion or variation in the monthly yield values from 1971 to 2013 (and 1971 to 2012 for drainage region 1). It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean or the standard deviation divided by the mean, with higher CVs indicating more variability in monthly water yields. The monthly variability was not calculated for drainage regions 5, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, or the Labrador portion of 25.

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Electronic Mail Address: francois.soulard@canada.ca

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