Monitoring of Atmospheric Gases

Monitoring of Atmospheric Gases Trace gas data sets measured by Canadian and U.S. ground-based monitoring networks from 1982 to the present including non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), ozone (O3) and total gaseous mercury (TGM). Included are Canadian federal and provincial networks (past and present) and U.S. historical networks (for data not available elsewhere). These data sets are associated with various networks that monitor a variety of trace and reactive gases. Non-Methane Hydrocarbons were measured and monitored in a study at Egbert, Ontario at the Centre for Atmospheric Research and Experiments, CARE. Ozone which comprises Ground Level Ozone or GLO3 which is predominantly measured by the Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN) or as part of a targeted special study at a specific site and Stratospheric ozone and ultraviolet radiation which is measured by the Canadian Brewer Spectrophotometer Network (CBSN) and vertical profiles of stratospheric ozone are measured and monitored by the Canadian Ozonesonde Network. Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) is measured by several networks and studies such as: the Canadian Mercury Monitoring Network, CAMNET (which is no longer in operation), Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network, CAPMoN; Environment and Climate Change Canada-Pacific and Northern Region, PNR, ECCC; Environment and Climate Change Canada-Quebec Region, ECCC-QR; and Environment and Climate Change Canada-Air Quality Research Division, ECCC_AQRD. 2022-02-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentAirAir QualityAtmospheric MonitoringNAtChemNetworks and StudiesCAPMoNPacific and Northern RegionPNRAtmospheric GasesTotal Gaseous MercuryTGMozoneground level ozonetropospheric ozonestratospheric ozonetotal column ozonevertical profilesBrewer spectrophotometerozonesondegreenhouse gasesGHGcarbon monoxideCOcarbon dioxideCO2methaneCH4NonMethane HydrocarbonsNMHCEgbertMount SuttonAlert View EC Data Mart (English)HTML View EC Data Mart (French)HTML

Trace gas data sets measured by Canadian and U.S. ground-based monitoring networks from 1982 to the present including non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), ozone (O3) and total gaseous mercury (TGM). Included are Canadian federal and provincial networks (past and present) and U.S. historical networks (for data not available elsewhere).

These data sets are associated with various networks that monitor a variety of trace and reactive gases.

Non-Methane Hydrocarbons were measured and monitored in a study at Egbert, Ontario at the Centre for Atmospheric Research and Experiments, CARE.

Ozone which comprises Ground Level Ozone or GLO3 which is predominantly measured by the Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN) or as part of a targeted special study at a specific site and Stratospheric ozone and ultraviolet radiation which is measured by the Canadian Brewer Spectrophotometer Network (CBSN) and vertical profiles of stratospheric ozone are measured and monitored by the Canadian Ozonesonde Network.

Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) is measured by several networks and studies such as: the Canadian Mercury Monitoring Network, CAMNET (which is no longer in operation), Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network, CAPMoN; Environment and Climate Change Canada-Pacific and Northern Region, PNR, ECCC; Environment and Climate Change Canada-Quebec Region, ECCC-QR; and Environment and Climate Change Canada-Air Quality Research Division, ECCC_AQRD.

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