Rock ptarmigan population size - Gros Morne

Rock ptarmigan population size - Gros Morne The Island of Newfoundland is home to the most southerly population of Rock Ptarmigan in North America and is the only place where the subspecies Lagopus mutus welchi can be found. Rock Ptarmigan are the only species of bird that live year round in the Alpine tundra of Gros Morne. This measure aims at a population count and trend for breeding Rock Ptarmigan on top of Gros Morne Mountain. The survey occurs yearly, between May 26 and June 1. 2024-04-24 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentRock PtarmiganLagopus mutaalpine tundraGros Morne MountainVisual CountsNewfoundland Rock ptarmigan population size - Gros Morne - DataCSV Rock ptarmigan population size - Gros Morne - Data dictionary CSV

The Island of Newfoundland is home to the most southerly population of Rock Ptarmigan in North America and is the only place where the subspecies Lagopus mutus welchi can be found. Rock Ptarmigan are the only species of bird that live year round in the Alpine tundra of Gros Morne. This measure aims at a population count and trend for breeding Rock Ptarmigan on top of Gros Morne Mountain. The survey occurs yearly, between May 26 and June 1.

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