[ARCHIVED] Listing of hunting license vendors. This dataset has been superseded by Hunting and Fishing License Sellers (https://data.novascotia.ca/Permits-and-Licensing/Hunting-and-Fishing-License-Sellers/unx6-kpb9).
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Nova Scotia
- Licence: Open Government Licence – Nova Scotia
Data and Resources
Nova Scotia original metadata (https://data.novascotia.ca)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
[ARCHIVED] Hunting License Sellers (CSV)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
[ARCHIVED] Hunting License Sellers (CSV Excel)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
[ARCHIVED] Hunting License Sellers (CSV Excel (EU))CSVEnglish dataset CSV
[ARCHIVED] Hunting License Sellers (TSV)otherEnglish dataset Other
[ARCHIVED] Hunting License Sellers (RDF)RDFEnglish dataset RDF
[ARCHIVED] Hunting License Sellers (RSS)RSSEnglish dataset RSS
[ARCHIVED] Hunting License Sellers (XML)XMLEnglish dataset XML
Contact Information
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