The Central Parkland Vegetation Inventory (CPVI) Polygons is a dataset that was created to capture vegetation information for the Central (Aspen) Parkland Natural Subregion in Alberta. The Parkland Natural Region covers approximately 10% of the province and acts as a broad transitional area between the dry grasslands and the moist boreal forest. This region is characterized by productive soils, moisture levels and climatic conditions conducive to agriculture. The vegetation cover is a mosaic of aspen woodlands, wetlands, fescue grassland and riparian areas. The Central Parkland Natural Subregion is located in east-central Alberta. Other parkland subregions are located in the Foothills and the Peace River areas. The Central Parkland Vegetation Inventory (CPVI) Polygons is designed to be a vegetation / land use database for the Central Parkland Natural Subregion.
Made available by the Government of Alberta
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
Central Parkland Vegetation Inventory (CPVI) Polygons - (HTML)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Original metadata ( dataset HTML
Central Parkland Vegetation Inventory (CPVI) Polygons - (XML)XMLEnglish dataset XML
Contact Information
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