Fisheries and Oceans Canada

138 datasets found
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    eDNA metabarcoding enriches traditional trawl survey data for monitoring biod...

    Marine Protected Areas require comprehensive monitoring to ensure objectives are achieved; however, monitoring natural ecosystems at scale is challenged by the biodiversity it aims to measure. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding holds promise to address this monitoring challenge. We conducted...
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    Conservation network sites for the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy Bioregion

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has worked with partners and ocean users to develop a draft conservation network plan for the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy Bioregion. This work led to the 2017 draft conservation network plan. The draft plan was updated after targeted consultations from 2021 to...
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    Seasonal Climatologies of the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone from B...

    Description: Seasonal climatologies of the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone (CPEEZ) were computed from a numerical simulation of the British Columbia continental margin (BCCM) model for the 1993 to 2020 period, which can be considered as a representation of the climatological state of...
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    Seasonal Climatologies of the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone from B...

    Description: Seasonal climatologies of the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone (CPEEZ) were computed from a numerical simulation of the British Columbia continental margin (BCCM) model for the 1981 to 2010 period, which can be considered as a representation of the climatological state of...
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    Monthly Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Climatology of the Canadian Pacific...

    AVHRR Pathfinder version 5.3 Level 3C night Sea Surface Temperature (SST) was acquired from NOAA at 4 km spatial resolution. The monthly mean value at all pixels was calculated for individual years, then all years were combined to produce final maps of monthly mean and monthly standard deviation...
    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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    Maritime region grain size data

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Maritime Science Branch has collected grain size data from sediment and water column samples using bottle samples, sediment cores, and sediment grabs as part of numerous research projects not only in the Atlantic provinces, but also worldwide. The data collected...
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    Benthoscape Map of German Bank

    The data layer (.shp) presented is the result of an unsupervised classification method for classifying seafloor habitat on German Bank (off South West Nova Scotia, Canada). This method involves separating environmental variables derived from multibeam bathymetry (Slope, Curvature) and backscatter...
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    Fishermen and Scientist Research Society (FSRS) Lobster Recruitment Trap Project

    The lobster recruitment project is run by the Fishermen and Scientist Research Society (FSRS) through DFO funding. Fishermen participating in the lobster recruitment project collect information about lobster in their fishing area by fishing 2-5 scientific project traps (SPTs) (fished in fixed...
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    Distribution of Sea Scallop on German Bank

    The data layer (.tif) presented are the results of using MaxEnt to produce a single species habitat map for Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) on German Bank (off South West Nova Scotia, Canada). Presence data derived from videos and still images were compared against environmental variables...
    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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    Predicted Distribution of the Glass Sponge Vazella pourtalesi on the Scotian ...

    Emerald Basin on the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia, Canada, is home to a globally unique aggregation of the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesi, first documented in the region in 1889. In 2009, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) implemented two Sponge Conservation Areas to protect these sponge...
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    Fish and invertebrate assemblages in coastal areas of the St. Lawrence Estuar...

    This dataset derives from a series of beam trawl tows conducted during several research surveys in coastal areas of the St. Lawrence Estuary, between Portneuf-sur-Mer and Pointe-des-Monts, and between June and October of 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. It contains catch data for fish and invertebrates...
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    Tracing carbon flow and trophic structure of a coastal Arctic marine food web...

    PURPOSE: In this study, we examined the structure and function of the Southampton Island marine food web across 149 species of benthic and pelagic invertebrates, fishes, marine mammals and seabirds collected from 2016 to 2019, to provide a baseline for future studies that aim to quantify...
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    Pacific Salmon Conservation Units, Sites & Status

    A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an acceptable timeframe, such as a human lifetime or a specified number of salmon generations. Holtby and Ciruna (2007)...
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    Odd Year Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Conservation Units, Sites & Status

    A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an acceptable timeframe, such as a human lifetime or a specified number of salmon generations. Holtby and Ciruna (2007)...
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    River Type Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Conservation Units, Sites & St...

    A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an acceptable timeframe, such as a human lifetime or a specified number of salmon generations. Holtby and Ciruna (2007)...
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    Lake Type Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Conservation Units, Sites & Status

    A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an acceptable timeframe, such as a human lifetime or a specified number of salmon generations. Holtby and Ciruna (2007)...
    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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    Vertebrae Collection of skates in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence

    Skate vertebrae are collected from the annual September scientific survey in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Skate spines are collected and frozen during the survey, and the vertebrae are processed in the laboratory at a later stage. Age determination is performed episodically on the available...
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    Otolith Collection of Yellowtail Flounder in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence

    Yellowtail Flounder otoliths are collected from scientific surveys and from scientific sampling of commercial fisheries. The otoliths collected are placed in paper envelopes, recorded and held in a climate-controlled storage facility. Age determination is performed yearly on the available...
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    Otolith Collection of White Hake in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence

    White Hake otoliths are collected from scientific surveys, fisheries observers on fishing vessels and from scientific sampling of commercial fisheries. The otoliths collected are placed in paper envelopes, recorded and held in a climate-controlled storage facility. Age determination is performed...
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    Coastal Environmental Baseline Program

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Coastal Environmental Baseline Program supports the collection of ecological information on the current state of key coastal ecosystems across Canada. This initiative aims to acquire environmental baseline data (physical, chemical and biological) contributing...
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