Government of British Columbia

543 datasets found
  • Open Data

    BC Population Projections

    A population projection is a forecast of future population growth. BC Stats applies the Component/Cohort-Survival method to project the population. This method "grows" the population from the latest base year estimate by forecasting births, deaths and migration by age. These forecasts are based...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    Student Learning Survey (SLS)

    The Student Learning Survey (SLS) is an annual province-wide census of Grade 4, 7, 10 and 12 students, their parents, and staff in public schools regarding their school experience. This extract contains data on the SLS questions and responses from 2016/2017 to 2022/2023 for public school...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    2012-13 First Quarterly Report - Provincial Debt Update Tbl 3.5

    A tabular presentation of changes from the budgeted 2012-13 provincial debt forecast for the British Columbia government for the first 2012-13 quarterly report.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    2013-14 First Quarterly Report - 2013-14 Spending Assumptions Tbl 1.11

    A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's spending assumptions for the June 2013 Budget Update and for the 2013-14 first quarterly report..
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    Budget 2014 - Natural Gas Price Forecasts Tbl A6

    A tabular presentation of private sector forecasts of British Columbia natural gas prices for the calendar years 2013, 2014 and 2015, including values adjusted to the fiscal years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    2012-13 Second Quarterly Report - 2012-13 Revenue Assumptions Tbl 1.10

    A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's revenue assumptions for the 2012-13 Budget and for the first and second 2012-13 quarterly reports.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    2013-14 Third Quarterly Report - Capital Spending Update Tbl 4.4

    A tabular presentation of changes from budgeted 2013-14 capital spending for the British Columbia government for the first 2013-14 quarterly report.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Budget 2012 - Canadian Real GDP Tbl 3.4

    A tabular presentation of the Canadian real GDP forecast, expressed for 2012 and 2013 as a percent change in real GDP
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    Budget 2014 - Key Fiscal Sensitivities Tbl 1.19

    A tabular presentation of the current British Columbia key fiscal sensitivities by variable, monetary or percentage increase, and annual fiscal impact
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Annual Traffic Volumes 2004-2010

    Annual traffic volume statistics from the period 2004 to 2010. This includes the Annual Average Daily Traffic volume (AADT) for predefined segments (Uniform Traffic Volume Segments) of the provincial highways. The data also includes the Summer Average Daily Traffic (SADT) volumes for the months...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    Revenue by Source, Budget 2011 Tbl 2.6

    A tabular presentation of British Columbia revenue by source showing percentage changes between 2010 budget values, third quarter forecast values and actual revenue values, and including budgeted values 2011, actual revenue totals 2011-12, actual revenue totals 2010-11, and annual revenue change...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    BC Government Owned and Leased Properties

    On behalf of the Province of BC and as legislated by the Public Agency Accommodation Act, Real Property Division owns and leases approximately 1,040 buildings and 215 lands in 140 communities across BC. This list of properties (buildings and lands) includes properties outside of BC but does not...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    2021-22 First Quarterly Report

    A tabular summary of British Columbia's 2021-22 First Quarterly Report - 2021/22 Economic Outlook and Financial Forecast & Three Month Results April - June 2021.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    Key Provincial Debt Indicators, 1999-00 to 2010-2011 Tbl A2.13

    A tabular presentation of British Columbia key provincial debt indicators, 1999-2000 through 2010-2011, actual values, with percentage average annual change, and including select debt, interest and background information.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    2013-14 First Quarterly Report - Capital Projects Greater Than $50 million Tb...

    A tabular presentation of British Columbia capital expenditure projects in excess of $50 million, showing totals for taxpayer-supported and self-supported capital project expenditures, and including projected completion dates, project financing sources, and cumulative spending to June 30, 2013.
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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    Labour Market Outlook

    Each year a report forecasting BC's labour market needs over the coming decade is produced by the BC government. The report looks at employment supply and demand by occupation and industry for each of the province's regions. When utilizing this data, please cite as follows: Labour Market Outlook,...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Budget 2013 June Update - Ten-Year Revenue Tbls A9 and A10

    A tabular presentation of British Columbia revenue and supplementary information for the 10 years 2006/07 through 2015/16: Table A9 - Revenue by Source, including tax revenue, natural resource revenue and other revenue, with actual values for 2006-07 through 2011-12, updated forecast values for...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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  • Open Data

    Gaming Grants Paid to Community Organizations

    Community organizations may be eligible for government community gaming grants to support their programs and services. Payments for approved grants are made throughout each government fiscal year, and the timing of the payments depends on the grant category / sector. This dataset includes...
    Government of British Columbia
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    Government of British Columbia
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