Environment and Climate Change Canada

42 datasets found
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    Temperature change in Canada

    The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Temperature change in Canada indicator shows the yearly and seasonal surface air temperature departures for the years...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Snow cover

    The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Snow cover indicator shows how Canada's snow cover is changing from year-to-year and over time. Snow cover extent is...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    WCRP LRFTIP lead-time dependent sub-seasonal/seasonal/decadal hindcast climat...

    The purpose of the Long-Range Forecast Transient Intercomparison Project (LRFTIP) is to provide an archive of hindcast climatologies, describing the systematic behavior of models evolving from observation-based initial states, that can inform investigations into the transient behavior of...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Meteorological Forecast

    Meteorological forecasts are datasets that are products of current observations and are used to predict climate conditions for a future time and given location.
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Canadian Large Ensembles Adjusted Dataset version 1 (CanLEADv1)

    The dataset contains large ensembles of bias adjusted daily climate model outputs of minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, surface pressure, wind speed, incoming shortwave radiation, and incoming longwave radiation on a 0.5-degree grid over North America....
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
    Resource Formats:
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  • Open Data

    AMAP SLCF model datasets

    This database contains model output files that were used in the 2021 Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Assessment Report on Short-lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) and subsequent journal publications. The datasets are stored here:...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Canadian Homogenized Monthly Precipitation (CanHoPmly)

    This first version of the dataset (CanHoPmlyV1) contains homogenized time series of monthly total precipitation for 425 long-term stations in Canada. As detailed in Wang et al. (2023), it is based on the quality-controlled version 2020 of the Adjusted Daily Rainfall and Snowfall (AdjDlyRS)...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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  • Open Data

    Environment Canada Davis Strait Baffin Bay (DSBB) Wind and Wave Reanalysis

    This dataset contains 21 statistics (including extreme indices) of wind and waves calculated from hourly reanalysis data of historical surface winds and ocean surface waves for the Davis Strait Baffin Bay waters for the period 1979-2018 (each statistic has an annual and 12 monthly values). These...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    ANUSPLIN-gridded Adjusted Precipitation (ANUSPLIN-AdjP) datasets for Canada

    The suite of gridded precipitation datasets includes the ANUSPLIN-gridded datasets of daily precipitation since 1900 (ANUSPLIN-AdjPdly), pentad average precipitation rates since 1950 (ANUSPLIN-AdjP5d), and monthly total precipitation since 1872 (ANUSPLIN-AdjPmly), on a 0.083333ºx 0.083333º...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Greenhouse gas emissions

    The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The indicators show trends in anthropogenic (human-made) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It includes emissions for 7...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) 50 North Atlantic Wave Hindcast

    This dataset contains 21 statistics of wind and waves calculated from hourly reanalysis data of historical surface winds and ocean surface waves for the Canadian East Coast for the period 1954-2018 (each statistic has an annual, 4 seasonal, and 12 monthly values). These data can be used for...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Greenhouse gas emissions projections

    The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The indicator provides an overview of Canada's projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions up to 2035. The indicator allows the...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Lake Ice Database

    Since 2009, the Watershed Hydrology and Ecosystems Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has coordinated spring time multi point ice thickness and composition surveys at up to 15 lake sites in the Northern Hemisphere. Data collected includes on ice snow depth, total...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Global greenhouse gas emissions

    The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Global greenhouse gas emissions indicator reports global human emissions of GHGs for 2005 and 2020, both in total and per...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Network on Climate and Aerosols: Addressing Key Uncertainties in Remote Canad...

    NETCARE is a network comprised of researchers from ten Canadian universities (University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, Université du Québec à Montréal, University of Waterloo, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Laval University, Dalhousie University, University of Calgary, Université...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    NETCARE Publication Data

    This repository holds underlying data for publications arising from NETCARE activities. Unlike the raw measurements available elsewhere in this archive, these data are specific to a particular publication and may have undergone additional analysis and processing. Data are organized by...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    NETCARE 2013 Ucluelet campaign

    In August 2013, NETCARE scientists conducted a campaign on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The goal of this campaign was to characterize the nature of ice nuclei in a marine environment. Measurements were conducted on the ambient levels of both deposition and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    NETCARE 2015 POLAR6 aircraft campaign

    This campaign took place in April 2015, with a focus on the characterization of ice clouds and pollutant levels, including black carbon, across the Arctic. The campaign was again a collaboration between NETCARE scientists and The Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). Along with the POLAR 6, the...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    NETCARE 2016 Amundsen ship-based campaign

    NETCARE scientists were on board the Canadian research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen studying atmospheric and oceanic composition throughout the Canadian Arctic in 2016. NETCARE scientists were aboard the ship from 14 July - 25 August, sailing from Iqaluit to Kugluktuk with a personnel change on 27...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    NETCARE 2014-2015 Alert snow study

    From September 2014 to June 2015 NETCARE scientists conducted an intensive snow sampling campaign at Alert, Nunavut, Canada. Fresh snow samples were collected every few days and analyzed for black carbon, major ions, metals, elemental carbon, and organic carbon. Site Information:...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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