Environment and Climate Change Canada

181 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Information received in response to the data gathering initiative on BENPAT

    In an effort to increase transparency and to facilitate access to information on substances in commerce in Canada, the Government of Canada is publishing a summary of the information received in response to the Notice to provide information for the risk management of 1,4-benzenediamine,...
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    Trends in Canada's bird populations – Long-term changes in bird populations b...

    The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Trends in Canada's bird populations indicator reports population trends of Canada's native bird species from 1970 to...
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    Effects of brominated emerging flame retardants in juvenile rainbow trout

    In this study, the chronic effects of two emerging brominated flame retardants, 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane(BTBPE) and 2-ethylhexyl-2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (EH-TBB) were evaluated in diet exposed juvenile rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss). FIsh uptake was measured after 28-d of...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Information received in response to the data gathering initiative on perfluor...

    In an effort to increase transparency and to facilitate access to information on substances in Canadian commerce, the Government of Canada is publishing a summary of the information received in response to the Notice with respect to perfluorohexane sulfonic acid, its salts and its precursors...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Information received in response to the data gathering initiative on bispheno...

    To increase transparency and to facilitate access to information on substances in Canadian commerce, the Government of Canada is publishing a compilation of the non-confidential information received in response to the Notice with respect to bisphenol A (BPA) and BPA structural analogues and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Major Ions

    Major ions data consist of the following key ions in precipitation: Cl-, NO3-, SO4=, NH4+, Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++. The data sets typically also include the pH and depth of the precipitation sample. These data are collected by several provincial, national and bi-national networks. The wet-only...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Lake Water Quality Database

    In 2022, the Watershed Hydrology and Ecosystems Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) uploaded a Lake Ice Database to the Government of Canada open data portal (https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/water/scientificknowledge/lake-ice-database/?lang=en). This companion...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Program

    The National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) program is the main source of ambient air quality data in Canada. The NAPS program, which began in 1969, is now comprised of nearly 260 stations in 150 rural and urban communities reporting to the Canada-Wide Air Quality Database (CWAQD). Managed by...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Pollutant Transformation, Aircraft-Based Multi Parameters, Oil Sands Region

    During August 2013, September 2013, April 2018, May 2018, and June 2018, a research aircraft was deployed in the oil sands region. The flight paths of the aircraft were designed to measure air pollutants in plumes around the immediate vicinity of the major oil sands surface mining facilities...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Lake Huron Nearshore Waters Assessment

    Water quality and ecosystem health data used to conduct a cumulative effects assessment of Lake Huron and St. Marys River nearshore waters in support of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement are included in this dataset. Data related to nearshore stressors is integrated into an overall...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Lake Huron Canadian Baseline Coastal Habitat Survey

    Habitat and ecosystem data used to conduct a baseline survey of coastal habitat in Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, and St. Marys River are included in this dataset. The Lake Huron Survey methodology consists of four general steps; 1) delineating the coastal ecosystem into coastal units based on water...
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    CMIP6 Humidex Indices Bias Corrected and downscaled with MBCn against ERA5-Land

    Humidex (Masterton and Richardson 1979) is an index developed by the Meteorological Service of Canada to describe how hot and humid the weather feels to the average person. In Canada, it is recommended that outdoor activities be moderated when the humidex exceeds 30, and that all unnecessary...
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    Precipitation: Turkey Lakes Watershed Study

    Weekly precipitation quantity has been measured at both at the primary meteorological site as well as at five other sites within the watershed. Daily precipitation quantity has been measured at the primary meteorological site until 2017. Weekly chemistry analysis of H+, major ions, nutrients and...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Emerging and legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in a St. Lawre...

    This study set out to provide an up-to-date portrait of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination status in a freshwater food web from the St. Lawrence River (QC, Canada). Water, sediments, aquatic vegetation, invertebrates, and some fish species were targeted for analysis. All...
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    Stable Isotope Hydrology of Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada

    We investigated the stable isotope hydrology of Sable Island, NS, Canada over a four year period from September, 2017 until August, 2021. The δ2H and δ18O values of integrated monthly precipitation were weakly seasonal and ranged from -66 to -17 per mil and from -9.7 to -3.1 per mil,...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Abstract

    A high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) is key to assessing habitat conditions, surface water connectivity, developing hydraulic models, and environmental change in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD), Northern Alberta. Note that in this instance, DEM is a representation of the ground surface...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    A database of modeled gridded dry deposition velocities for 45 gaseous speci...

    This is a database of modeled two-year (2016-2017) average dry deposition velocities (Vd) for 45 gaseous species and three particle size ranges at a 15 km by 15 km horizontal resolution across North America. The dry deposition schemes of Zhang et al. (2003) and Wu et al. (2021) were used for...
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    2019 Peace-Athabasca Delta LiDAR Data

    High-resolution ground terrain elevational data are key to assessing habitat conditions, surface water connectivity and environmental change in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD), Northern Alberta. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that has recently become more...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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    Saskatchewan Solid Precipitation Inter-Comparison Experiment (SPICE) Data

    The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Solid Precipitation Inter-Comparison Experiment (SPICE) officially began in the (Northern Hemisphere) Fall of 2012 with the objective of characterizing and providing guidance on the performance of automated systems for the in situ measurement of solid...
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
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