Natural Resources Canada

91 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Territorial Divisions

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the territorial divisions of Canada. The map displays 1,922.735 sq. miles of unsettled North West Territories, covering what is now Northern Ontario. In addition to this is the northern half of Quebec, which...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    The World

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the World, in a Mercator projection, circa 1914. This political map of the world includes countries, island names, major railways and the distance in miles of major maritime routes from port to port. The country of...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Territorial Divisions

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a general reference map that shows Canadian political divisions. Newfoundland and Labrador are not yet a part of Canada, and thus omitted from the presentation as a Canadian province. The map shows major railways across the...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    International and Interprovincial Boundaries Eastern Canada - United States B...

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that shows five maps illustrating international and interprovincial boundary claims, circa 1915. Two show the Quebec - New Brunswick - Maine area, and another displays the Canada - Labrador boundary. There are two small...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    International and Interprovincial Boundaries British Columbia and Yukon-Alask...

    Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that consists of 2 maps illustrating international and interprovincial boundary historical claims. One map displays Ontario, Manitoba and adjacent parts of the US. The other map shows the Alaska boundary dispute. British...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    The Circumpolar North

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada Poster Map Series, is a poster which has been adapted from The Atlas of Canada's Northern Circumpolar Region map, MCR0001. It also contains a Modis satellite image showing the same northern area as the map (composite from July to September 2007) produced by...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    North America (2004)

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada 8.5x11 series maps is a map which was prepared by three mapping agencies in cooperation with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). The CEC is located on Montreal and was created by Canada, Mexico and the United States under the North American...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    North America Watersheds

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada 8.5x11 series maps is a map which was created as a joint effort by The Atlas of Canada, The National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics, Mexico and the National Atlas of the United States under the sponsorship of the commission for...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    International Polar Year - 2012 - Circumpolar Region

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2012, is a revised bilingual map which was produced as a special product for the International Polar Year 2012. It was produced from the Atlas of Canada Reference Map, MCR0001, North Circumpolar Region (2008). Its round shape...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    International Polar Year - 2012 - Antarctic Region

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2012, is a revised bilingual map which was produced as a special product for the International Polar Year 2012. It was produced from the British Antarctic Survey (2010) Antarctica and the Arctic 1:10 000 000 scale map, Series...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    The Northern Hemisphere

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Various Map Series, 1965 to 2006, is a map of the Northern Hemisphere which is the second edition produced in 1965. It shows most of the continental and ocean areas of the Northern Hemisphere north of the following degrees of North latitude: 18 degrees on...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Medical Services Branch Facilities

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Various Map Series, 1965 to 2006, is a map which was prepared for Health and Welfare Canada in 1990 and was published by Energy, Mines and Resources in 1991. It uses the standard 1:12 500 000 base map on top of which is shown various medical services...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Political Evolution

    Contained within the 3rd Edition (1957) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows twenty-two condensed maps of the principal stages by which Canada evolved into a Federal State of ten provinces and two territories. The timeline of these maps ranges from 1763, when, as per the Treaty of Paris,...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Territorial Evolution

    This map contains four inset maps of Canada showing its territorial and provincial boundaries as they existed in 1867, 1905, 1949 and 1999.
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Territorial Evolution of Canada, 1876 to 1949

    Contained within the 4th Edition (1974) of the Atlas of Canada is a collection of nine maps showing the evolution of Canadian territory from 1876, when the district of Keewatin was created from part of the Northwest Territories, to when Newfoundland becomes the tenth and most recent province in...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    International and Interprovincial Boundaries Eastern Canada - United States B...

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that shows five maps illustrating international and interprovincial boundary claims. Two show the Quebec - New Brunswick - Maine area, and another displays the Canada - Labrador boundary. There are two small maps showing...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    International and Interprovincial Boundaries British Columbia and Yukon-Alask...

    Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a plate that consists of 2 maps illustrating international and interprovincial boundary historical claims up to 1906. One map shows Ontario, Manitoba and adjacent parts of the US. The other map shows the Alaska boundary dispute....
    Natural Resources Canada
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    Circumpolar International Polar Year (2008)

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2010, is a revised bilingual map which was produced as a special product for the International Polar Year. It was produced from the Atlas of Canada Reference Map, MCR0001, North Circumpolar Region (2008). Its round shape shows...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    North Circumpolar Region (2008)

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2010, is a map which has a detailed coverage of all parts of the world north of approximately 50 degrees latitude except for the Russian Federation side of the map which shows areas north of 60 degrees latitude. The map uses the...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    North Circumpolar Region (2004)

    Contained within the Atlas of Canada's Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2010, is a map which has detailed coverage of all parts of the world north of approximately 55 degrees North (and south of this latitude for the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk areas). The map uses the Azimuthal equidistant...
    Natural Resources Canada
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