Natural Resources Canada

8,436 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Fuel consumption ratings

    Datasets provide model-specific fuel consumption ratings and estimated carbon dioxide emissions for new light-duty vehicles for retail sale in Canada. To help you compare vehicles from different model years, the fuel consumption ratings for 1995 to 2014 vehicles have been adjusted to reflect...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Reducing pest risk in birch wood products - The effective heat treatment for ...

    PURPOSE: Determine the time and temperature combinations that result in partial and complete mortality of larvae of the Bronze birch borer DESCRIPTION: The protection of forest resources and the safe trade of forest products require phytosanitary measures which reduce the risk of pest movement to...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada Flood Map Inventory (CFM)

    The Canada Flood Map inventory shows areas in Canada where a copy of a flood hazard map has been collected by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). The inventory does not display flood zones or extents, but provides information on how to access these flood hazard maps. Depending on the license and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) Fire Behaviour Prediction ...

    A national map of Canadian Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) Fuel Types (FT) developed from public data sources. The resolution of the raster grid is 30m, classified from the Spatialized Canadian National Forest Inventory (SCANFI) dataset, ecozones of Canada, and the National Burned Area Composite...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canada-wide Landsat-based 30-m resolution product of disturbance detection pr...

    This data product aimed to extend the existing pre-1985 disturbance history record by mapping wildfire, harvest, and insect outbreaks in Canadian forests between 1965 and 1984. Our geospatial data processing methodology relied on multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) trained on spectral recovery...
    Natural Resources Canada
    Resource Formats:
    • GeoTIF
    • TXT
  • Open Data

    Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Oil and Gas Activity

    The dataset contains the digital boundaries for significant discovery licences, production licences, drilled wells, major pipelines and the jurisdictional boundary of the area administered by the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB), as well as the inactive Georges Bank permits...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    • FGDB/GDB
  • Open Data

    Southern Ontario Surficial 3D Model

    To support improved groundwater geoscience knowledge for southern Ontario, a regional 3-D model of the surficial geology of southern Ontario has been developed as a part of a collaboration between the Ontario Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. Covering approximately 66,870...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    National Inventory of Orphaned and Abandoned Mines

    This database aggregates basic information on orphaned and abandoned mine sites from participating Canadian jurisdictions, including their name, location, jurisdiciton, and the commodity that was mined. It was originally created in 2012 through the National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    TOPIC Open - Literature Review Module

    The Traits of Plants in Canada (TOPIC) open access literature review module provides access to an open dataset of data gathered from the scientific literature. The Traits of Plants in Canada (TOPIC) database serves as a hub for centralizing knowledge on plant functional traits in Canada. Under...
    Natural Resources Canada
    Resource Formats:
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  • Open Data

    Traits of Plants in Canada (TOPIC) - Open Access Dataset

    Traits of Plants in Canada (TOPIC) Open Access provides an access to TOPIC datasets as data become publicly available. The database is organized in two separate modules: 1) The Literature review module aims to consolidate data gathered from the scientific literature. 2) The Empirical measurements...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    TOPIC CoVitas - Aboveground and belowground plant traits

    Co-Vitas project traits data. The Co-VITAS project is investigating understory species (6 ubiquitous boreal species) response and adaptive capacity to environmental change, by measuring a set of leaf and root traits throughout the species range. We enlisted and coordinated the efforts of 23...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    NTSC TOPIC - Tree Seed Traits

    The National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC) is Canada’s only active national germplasm bank dedicated to conserving forest reproductive material (FRM), such as seeds, pollen, and somatic embryos. The NTSC was established in 1967 with a focus on obtaining, testing, storing, and providing native and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    TOPIC Sudbury - Leaf traits

    Foliar traits measured in one study were used to develop an applied model to help restoration practitioners select an ideal mix of species to plant to achieve their restoration goals. We used trait-function relationships to characterize the effects of species on ecosystem functions. The dataset...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    TOPIC Alberta - Traits of understory vegetation in Alberta - Specific Leaf Area

    Specific leaf area used in an investigation of the functional and structural recovery of seismic lines in upland boreal forests in northwestern Alberta and explore the use of forest management as a way to accelerate their recovery. Please site as: Santala, K., Schoonmaker, A., Aubin, I. 2020....
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Inland Water Bodies Map of Canada and Neighbouring Regions at 250-m Spatial R...

    This dataset comprises a map of inland water bodies in Canada and neighboring regions, as described by Ghayourmanesh et al. (2024). The data are mapped using the Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) geographic projection with a spatial resolution of 250 meters. The LCC projection is frequently used as a...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    • JSON
  • Open Data

    The Canadian Ecumene (CanEcumene) 3.0 GIS Database

    “Ecumene” is a term used by geographers, meaning “inhabited lands.” Populated places in the ecumene database are referenced using natural boundaries, as opposed to administrative or census boundaries, and provide a more suitable means for integrating socio-economic data with ecological and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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    • FGDB/GDB
  • Open Data

    Peat Profile Database

    Peatlands cover approximately 12% of the Canadian landscape and play an important role in the carbon cycle through their centennial to millennial-scale storage of carbon under waterlogged and anoxic conditions. In recognizing the potential of these ecosystems as natural climate solutions and...
    Natural Resources Canada
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  • Open Data

    Canadian Hydrospatial Network - CHN

    The Canadian Hydrospatial Network (CHN) is an analysis-ready geospatial network of features that help enable the modelling of surface water flow in Canada. The six main layers and feature types are: flowlines, waterbodies, catchments, catchment aggregates, work units, and hydro nodes. Where...
    Natural Resources Canada
    Resource Formats:
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  • Open Data

    Bathymetric compilation for Scotian Shelf and Newfoundland-Labrador Shelves b...

    The Marine Geoscience for Marine Spatial Planning (MGMSP) program, implemented by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), is an initiative with the goal of offering innovative regional geoscience products to support the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) in their Marine Spatial Planning...
    Natural Resources Canada
    Resource Formats:
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  • Open Data

    Hydrocarbon resource assessment of Nares Strait and central Ellesmere Island,...

    GIS compilation of data used to perform the stacked cumulative chance of success (resource potential map) in Open file 9163. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has been tasked, under the Marine Conservation Targets (MCT) initiative announced in Budget 2016, with evaluating the petroleum resource...
    Natural Resources Canada
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