Government of Ontario

67 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Government document terms

    Bilingual glossaries related to: * budget items from the Ontario Budget, the Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review * budget items from the Expenditure Estimates, the Public Accounts of Ontario and the Estimates Briefing Book * heading and terms from the Expenditure Estimates and the...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Government official names

    Bilingual reference lists on the following topics: * names and official titles of current ministers and parliamentary assistants * official names, including short forms and acronyms, of all current and former ministries * names and publication dates of Ontario Public Service directives * official...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Print and digital publications

    A list of publications (free and priced) in the Government of Ontario's publications catalogue. Examples of included publications: * Powers of Attorney Kit for Continuing Power of Attorney for Property and Personal Care * The Official MTO Driver's Handbook *[MTO]: Ministry of Transportation of...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
    • XLS
  • Open Data

    Vendor of Record Program Three Year Outlook

    The dataset includes data on potential procurement opportunities that are planned to be posted on Ontario's electronic tendering system over the next 3 years by Supply Chain Ontario. This dataset includes the following data on Vendor of Record Program - Three- Year Outlook: * quarter * Vendor of...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Enterprise Vendor of Record Arrangements

    The Government of Ontario's enterprise-wide Vendor of Record (VOR) Program provides goods and services commonly acquired by government ministries. Many are available to other Provincially Funded Organizations, such as hospitals and municipalities. The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Land titles assurance fund annual payments

    This dataset includes annual payments from 1993 to present made through Ontario's Land Titles Assurance Fund. Under the Land Titles Act, the Land Titles Assurance Fund is established to compensate people for certain financial losses they incur due to real estate fraud or omissions and errors in...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Occupational Health and Safety worker fatality and critical injury counts report

    The numbers reflect incidents that were reported to and tracked by the Ministry of Labour. They exclude death from natural causes, death of non- workers at a workplace, suicides, death as a result of a criminal act or traffic accident (unless the OHSA is also implicated) and death from...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Employment Standards appeals of orders report

    Get aggregate data on appeals of the Employment Standards Act orders received quarterly since 2012. The data includes only the appeals received for the orders issued by Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) Employment Standard Officers.
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Employment standards email client inquiries

    Get data on the total number of public email inquiries related to employment standards matters sent to by fiscal year.
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Dairy distributors (non-shopkeepers)

    Get a list of provincially licensed non-shopkeeper distributors transporting fluid milk products in Ontario. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shares responsibility for the province's production, transportation, processing, packaging and distribution of cow and goat milk...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • HTML
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Employment standards claims report

    A claim is a complaint made by a person who believes their employer has violated the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Where an Officer finds a violation of the Act, they assess money owing. This data is regularly updated and is subject to change. Data from the Ministry of Labour reflects...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Social Assistance Caseloads

    Data prior to April 1998 includes recipients of: * general welfare assistance * family benefits * foster care * handicapped children benefits Data from April 1, 1998 onward includes recipients of: * Ontario Works * Ontario Disability Support Program * Temporary Care Assistance * Assistance for...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Occupational health and safety email client inquiries

    Get data on the total number of public email inquiries related to occupational health and safety matters sent to by fiscal year.
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Birth registrations in Ontario (by residence)

    For privacy purposes, only registration counts greater than 5 are available. Data was not collected before 1979. ## Related Birth registrations in Ontario (by location)
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Ontario’s livestock community sales facilities

    Get a list of facilities selling livestock by public auction in Ontario, including name, address, county and class. The Livestock Community Sales Act and Regulation 729 allows for of the sale of consigned livestock within communities in Ontario. Legislation exists to provide confidence in an...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Birth registrations in Ontario (by location)

    For privacy purposes, only registration counts greater than 5 are available. ## Related Birth registrations in Ontario (by residence)
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    The Economic Impact of Tourism

    Data estimating the direct, indirect and induced impacts of tourism receipts and visitor spending on gross domestic product, labour income and employment in Ontario.
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
    • XLSX
  • Open Data

    Second Heir and Devisee Commission Case Files

    The Second Heir and Devisee Commission was responsible for hearing and determining claims to land brought forward by the heirs, devisees, or assignees of original nominees. The second Commission was established by legislation in 1805, essentially continuing the functions of the first Heir and...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Developmental disability support: client profiles

    This dataset includes snapshot information for 33,615 individuals, including: * age * gender * living arrangement * income source(s) * communication * use of disability aids * health and medical conditions * behavioural traits * level of support need The 2010 survey was completed by agencies...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • DOCX
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Death registrations in Ontario (by location)

    This dataset provides total number of death registrations by the location in which the death occurred. For privacy purposes, only regulation counts greater than 5 are available. Data released for 2023 is preliminary and may not match counts from other sources. The data represents counts in the...
    Government of Ontario
    Issued by:
    Government of Ontario
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV