Government of Ontario

49 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Municipal Treated Wastewater Effluent

    The flows and effluent quality data is for the parameters of: * Biological Oxygen Demand BOD5/CBOD5 * Total Suspended Solids (TSS), also described as Residual Particulate Solids * Total Phosphorus (TP) * total monthly flow Keywords: Sewage, Effluent, Discharge, Watershed, Waterworks, Water...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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    Recreational fishing regulations data

    This spatial dataset contains a summary of fishing regulations and fish sanctuary descriptions. The data includes information on: * species catch and possession limits * size limits * seasons and close times * fish sanctuaries * bait and gear restrictions * regulations for specific fisheries...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Official airports

    This layer is derived from data provided from Nav Canada. Where possible, it is spatially aligned with Ontario land parcel layers. Data is continually updated. This layer should not be used for navigation purposes. Official LIO title: Airport Official
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Ontario Lake Partner

    Get data about the water quality for Ontario's inland lakes. The data is collected through volunteer monitoring efforts – citizen science. The Lake Partner environment map The Lake Partner Program (LPP) measures water quality in inland lakes across Ontario. This dataset provides water quality and...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Water Taking

    Volumes of water taken daily and annually under a Permit-to-Take-Water, as reported to the ministry under the Water Taking and Transfer Regulation 387/04. The Ontario Water Resources Act (Act) requires anyone who takes more than 50,000 litres of water in a day to obtain a Permit to take Water...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network

    The Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) datasets report on ambient (baseline) groundwater level and chemistry conditions. Groundwater monitoring map
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Air Quality Stations

    The air monitoring stations measure up to 6 common pollutants like: * ground-level ozone * fine particulate matter * nitrogen dioxide * carbon monoxide * sulphur dioxide * total reduced sulphur compounds The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks continually monitors air quality...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Inland Lakes and Streams – Physical Conditions

    This data set includes information on sampling locations and physical conditions in lakes and streams across Ontario. It also includes meteorological conditions from monitoring stations in south-central Ontario. Lakes The data for lakes includes sampling location details and measurements such as:...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Water Chemistry (Great Lakes Nearshore Areas)

    Data is collected each year, according to the lake-by-lake cycle. Information includes: * water chemistry * approximately 80 index and reference stations throughout the Great Lakes basin
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network

    Get data describing benthic-invertebrate (bottom dwelling aquatic invertebrates) community structure and habitat conditions in various waterbodies. This dataset includes: * counts of different kinds of benthic invertebrates * water chemistry * information about collected samples (geographic...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Drinking Water Surveillance Program

    The Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP) monitors water quality at selected municipal drinking water systems for scientific and research purposes. DWSP is a voluntary partnership that compliments the regulatory monitoring that must be done by the drinking water systems. DWSP monitors for...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Pesticide Concentrations in Stream Water

    This dataset contains measurements of pesticide concentrations in stream water samples collected at selected streams in Ontario. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) jointly collaborate to monitor...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network

    Provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chloride. The Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) measures water quality in rivers and streams across Ontario. This dataset provides stream water...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Landfill Gas Collection, Use and Destruction

    This dataset provides a summary of information reported by landfills regarding their landfill gas collection (LFG), methane destruction and/or use, and associated emission reductions as required by Section 11 of O.Reg. 347 under the Environmental Protection Act. Data includes: * Year *...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Benthic Invertebrate Community (Great Lakes Nearshore Areas)

    This dataset contains information on benthic invertebrate community structure of samples collected from nearshore index monitoring stations within a Great Lake basin each year. The composition of benthic invertebrates (such as insects, worms, mussels, snails and crayfish) found in a sample is...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Environmental Penalty Annual Report

    The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) publishes an annual report on environmental penalties issued in the previous calendar year. Environmental penalties apply to plants in 9 industrial sectors and specific open and closed landfilling sites. The 9 industrial sectors are...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Industrial Wastewater Discharges

    Industrial wastewater monitoring data submitted quarterly to the Ministry of the Environment. This reporting is required by the Effluent Monitoring and Effluent Limits (EMEL/MISA) Regulations. Data is available by individual years. [EMEL]: Effluent Monitoring and Effluent Limits [MISA]: Municipal...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Honey bee pests and pathogens in Ontario apiaries

    Get data on pests and pathogens measured in honey bee apiaries in Ontario. The Ontario government conducted a multi-year monitoring project from 2015 to 2019 to create an inventory of honey bee pests and pathogens found in Ontario apiaries. The prevalence and load (levels or intensity) of...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Inland Lakes and Streams – Water Chemistry

    This data set includes information on water quality of lakes and streams across Ontario since 1976. It includes: * major anions and cations * nutrients * chlorophyll * metals Data were collected as part of routine monitoring of water quality of inland waters and for scientific and research purposes.
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Police Use of Force Race-Based Data

    The Anti-Racism Act, 2017 and its associated regulation and guidance require the Ministry of the Solicitor General to collect and analyze race-based data in police use of force. These datasets include information extracted from provincially mandated police Use of Force Reports. The technical...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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