As Canadians we need to lead ourselves our country, OUR WORLD!!!


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Brian Mosher
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As Canadians we a revered all over the world. We have factions that hold beliefs that we do not agree with and that may never change. I as a person and a proud Canadian will not cower in fear, as it is by belief that our forefathers who laid down their lives and to those who sacrificed so much to allow us to build a better world, without the fear of retaliation, to do the right thing. That all people may have the freedom to the pursuit of their dreams and goals. In this we need to lead! We need to be proactive as opposed to our current status as reactive. We as Canadians need to show the world that they need tojoin us in our quest as it is the only way of the future of our COUNTRY, our CHILDREN, OUR WORLD.

The Start—How? Why? Communication is the key... We need a common goal, one that affects us all.

The environment: a series of applications that are available to all, that will assist in rendering better yields of crops, air, water quality while monitoring the effects on the environment of the process and through analysis the ability to implement the results to all, to places that may not have the infrastructure to process this information.

Milestones: Collection of existing data — Env Canada build database (normalize tables as per set out standards) ongoing through DEV

Set out standards (gui, claf). Rewrite existing restful application (analyze cloud implementation) multilingual.

Make Canada the hub of the world’s information. We have the knowledge, use it.

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