08. Open Contracting


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Lead implementing department(s)
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Treasury Board Secretariat
Open Information
Reporting period

Deliverables for this commitment are on track to be completed by June 2016.


Coordinate single-window access to a broad range of open contracting information from across federal departments.

Results Next Steps Body Completion Level
  • A new Search Government Contracts service was launched on open.canada.ca in November 2014, enabling users to search online for existing proactively disclosed information on contracts over $10K from 20 Government of Canada institutions.
  • Expand to additional federal institutions by January 2016.

1. Release data on all contracts over $10,000 via a centralized, machine-readable database available to the public.

  • Discussions are currently underway to define the scope and schedule for releasing more detailed information on government contracts over $10K.
  • Finalize the scope and schedule for releasing more detailed information on government contracts over $10K and adjust the new “Search Government Contracts” service to incorporate these additional data fields.

2. Increase the level of detail disclosed on government contracts over $10,000.

  • Guidance has been developed to support departments and agencies in entering their data into the “Search Government Contracts” service.
  • Additional guidance to be developed to support the release of more detailed contracting information.

3. Provide guidance to federal departments and agencies to increase consistency in open contracting.

  • Complete pilot and prepare final report on lessons learned.

4. Pilot the Open Contracting Data Standard – 0.3.3 on the BuyandSell.gc.ca website for federal contracts awarded by Public Works and Government Services Canada


Supports the principles of transparency and accountability, and is targeted at helping address the OGP Grand Challenge of improving public services by improving access to expanded, proactively disclosed information on federal contracts >$10K.


Improves the proactive disclosure of contracting data, strengthens the openness and transparency of the Government of Canada’s procurement processes, and increases Canadians’ knowledge of how their tax dollars are being spent.

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