10. Digital Literacy


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Lead implementing department(s)
Employment and Social Development Canada
Open Information
Reporting period

Deliverables for this commitment are on track to be completed by June 2016.


Support the development of tools, training resources, and other initiatives to help Canadians acquire the essential skills needed to access, understand, and use digital information and new technologies.

Results Next Steps Body Completion Level
  • Development is underway on a series of thematic reports that are based on analysis of the results of the OECD’s Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) adult skills survey, which included digital skills.
    • These reports will focus on a number of key themes, including: labour market outcomes, health and social outcomes, post-secondary education, adult learning and literacy, immigrants, official languages, and Aboriginal populations.
  • Finalize and publish thematic reports on the PIAAC website (June 2016)

1. Sponsor projects to increase understanding of the relationship between digital skills and relevant labour market and social outcomes.

  • Provided funding and support for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) new online skills assessment tool that includes digital skills, which is currently under development (tool is based on PIAAC).
  • Complete initial launch of this new online tool (Fall 2015).

2. Develop online tools, training materials, and other resources to enable individual Canadians to assess and improve their digital skills.

  • Funding provided through contribution agreements to civil society organizations and academia to support digital skills assessment and improvement projects, including:
    • online training materials to help individuals assess and enhance their digital skills; and
    • training materials and tools to support small and medium-size enterprises in rural regions across Canada in identifying organizational needs, and enhancing the essential digital skills of their employees.
  • Test training materials and activities with participants and analyze results (June 2016).

3. Fund private sector and civil society initiatives aimed at improving the digital skills of Canadians.


Supports the principles of civic participation, and is targeted at helping address the OGP Grand Challenge of improving public services by helping Canadians to assess and improve their digital skills so that they can better take advantage of data and information made available by the government.


Facilitates the assessment of Canadians’ existing digital skills and develop resources and initiatives to help improve these skills, so that Canadians are better able to access and take advantage of Canada’s open government initiatives.

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