Define an approach for measuring open government performance - Commitment 5


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Lead implementing department(s)
Treasury Board Secretariat
Reporting period

Mid-term (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017)

Other actors involved: Contributing Government of Canada departments, provinces and territories

Commitment description

What is the public problem that the commitment will address?

Since open government is a relatively new way of doing things, there is no single, common, and agreed-upon methodology to measure progress. As Canada defines its goals, it will also have to define how it wants to measure them, identifying interim steps towards longer term objectives.

What is the commitment?

The Government of Canada will integrate performance indicators for openness and transparency into a Performance Management Framework for Open Government.

How will the commitment contribute to solve the public problem?

Gathering data and analyzing on the release of data and information will help measure progress on improving openness and transparency. Further analysis will be completed as part of the development of an overall Performance Management Framework for government-wide information management to expand beyond these and better measure progress on broader open government efforts.

Relevance to OGP values

This commitment relates to accountability, transparency and civic participation.

Status update

Deliverables in Action Plan

  1. Integrate key performance indicators related to openness and transparency as part of a Performance Framework for managing data and information government-wide.
  2. Measure and report publicly on annual departmental progress on implementation of the Directive on Open Government.
  3. Work on developing a performance management framework and indicators that can better measure a wider breadth of Open Government efforts and outcomes.

Expected result

It will be easier for citizens to track the Government’s progress on improving openness and transparency.

Description of results

  1. Key performance indicators and targets have been identified for all 22 commitments in the Third Biennial Plan to the Open Government Partnership. Online dashboards were created and launched in June 2017 to publicly track Canada’s progress on its Third Biennial Plan.

    The Open Government team at Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat has adopted ambitious goals on the basis of a logic model for open government. It will be reporting on progress towards desired outcomes in the logic model.

  2. Departmental open data inventories were published for the first time in March 2017. With the creation of these inventories, over 1,500 new datasets have been identified as eligible for release. As of June 30, 2017: 89% of large departments (33 of 37), 61% of small departments (14 of 23), and 4% micro organizations (1 of 24) have submitted their open data inventories.

    Large organizations (>500 employees) represent 94% of the total public service; small organizations (150-500 employees) represent 4% of the total public service; and micro organizations (<150 employees) represent 1% of the total public service.

  3. Research scan has been completed on existing global indexes related to open government as well as the current Government of Canada performance measurement context.

    The Government of Canada hosted an in-person senior executives meeting of the Canadian Open Government Working Group on June 12, 2017 on the margins of the Canadian Open Data Summit in Edmonton, Alberta. A decision was taken by the group to collaborate over the next year on developing a performance measurement framework for open government, with clear indicators. A work plan has been developed and agreed upon by members of the Canadian Open Government Working Group. It is available on GCcollab.

Next steps to June 2018

  1. Dashboards will be updated, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis.

    The Open Government team at Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat will publish its logic model.

  2. The open data inventories will be updated annually.

    The public will be able to ‘vote’ on which dataset they would like to see published, and departments will prioritize their release based on popularity.

  3. Next steps to develop a performance management framework include:
    • Stocktaking of existing indicators;
    • Determining common outputs and outcomes with which to design an indicators framework;
    • Engaging key stakeholders (e.g., all levels of governments, academics, practitioners and civil society) to identify measurement priorities and refine indicators;
    • Synthesizing engagement perspectives and findings into a report; and
    • Collecting data, implementing the measurement framework and publishing outcomes.

Completion level

  1. Substantial
  2. Substantial
  3. Limited
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