Organization: Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Year: 2021
Month: November
Request Number: A-2021-021138
Request Summary: All records related to the following federal interdepartmental committee's discussion of the federal approach to the Ring of Fire. The interdepartmental committee is chaired by CanNor, CanNor's Northern Projects Management Office acts as secretariat. These meetings and the committee are referred to in the passage quoted below from a previously released ATI (2021-027): "A federal interdepartmental committee at the Assistant Deputy Minister / Director General level has been established to ensure a coordinated, whole-of-government approach to resource development projects occurring in the territories and northern parts of provinces. The committee is chaired by CanNor and has members from all affected departments including CIRNA, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Transport Canada and INFC. CanNor's Northern Project Management Office acts as the secretariat and meetings are held at least once a quarter. The federal approach to the Ring of Fire has been discussed by the committee on several occasions."
Disposition: No records exist
Number of pages: 0