Organization: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Year: 2024
Month: March
Request Number: AF-2023-00085
Request Summary: This is a request under this jurisdiction’s freedom of information legislation for records held by. I am requesting the following: Details on projects approved under the National Housing Co-Investment Fund as of June 30, 2021, including ones that are planned but have not received full funding: - The project's status, program, name, and location. - Proponent organization name and type (e.g. non-profit, private developer, etc.) - Financial commitment (total, loan, and grant / forgivable loan). - Number of total units for each project -Number of “affordable” units - Number of “accessible” units - Average affordable rent charged by unit size - Average rent for units not designated as affordable I would like to receive the information electronically.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 55