Organization: Public Service Commission of Canada
Year: 2021
Month: November
Request Number: A-2021-00020
Request Summary: Requesting information on the dollar amounts for at-risk-pay, performance pay, and bonuses paid to all EX-level positions within the Public Service Commission of Canada. Looking for the data to be broken down by type of pay and each EX level (EX-1, EX-2, EX-3, EX-4, EX-5) and by branch and area. Requesting this information from April 1, 2016, to September 17, 2021. Please also provide the same information for any other classifications where any performance pay, bonuses, or at-risk-pay is provided also broken down by classification, branch and area. Also requesting the evaluation criteria and metrics used for the calculating and awarding/disbursement of the aforementioned EX bonuses, performance pay, and at-risk-pay. Requesting the same information for any other classifications where any performance pay, bonuses, or at-risk-pay is provided.
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages: 26