Organization: Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Year: 2024
Month: January
Request Number: A-2023-06
Request Summary: I request all records about a grant that was awarded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario to to 2608390 Ontario Inc. (Edward Village Hotel) in Markham, Ontario during the fiscal 2020-2021 year. This includes: - the grant application form, and all attachments, including bios of project owners and proponents. -all minutes of internal or external meetings at which the grant application was discussion, reviewed or analyzed. -All emails, reports, briefing notes, Power Point or other presentations about the project, records of phone calls, text messages, ) - Any photos or videos of the completed project. -All letters of recommendation endorsing the project, whether from MPs or MLAs or municipal representatives, elected or not. - A copy of documents showing person or persons, and their titles, who made the decision to approve the grant. - Documents showing a copy of the cheque or wire transfer of the money. - Copies of any receipts/invoices/ contractor bills that were submitted to claim the grant money. - Any press release or draft of press release written about the project and grant, or document showing why none was written.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 83
Comments: N/A