Organization: Communications Security Establishment Canada
Year: 2020
Month: July
Request Number: A-2019-00049
Request Summary: Provide the following briefing materials and memos prepared for the Chief of the CSE and the Deputy Chiefs of the CSE in March 2018: 05/03/2018 SIGINT Operations Risk Framework; 18-0883 BN for CSE Payment of; 18-0877 Cyber Center; 18-0870 For DCITS signature - Letters of Offer; 18-0867 BN to MND: CSE's Access to Information and Privacy Act Designation Officers; 18-0859 Bn & Letter - DG Letter; 18- 0910 Notification of Cyber Defence Activities; 18-0796 BN-Formalizing CSE; 18-0895 Purchase of; 18-0909 Capital Asset Count; 18-0933 Briefing Note & SAPP Agreement; 18-0940 BN for CFO : 2017-18 Eligible Paylist Expenditures; 18-0950 Purchase of; 18-0943 Briefing to DC SIGINT re: Accounting Treatment for; 18-0883 BN for CSE Payment of ...bill; 18-0796 BN-Formalizing CSE -; 18-0877 Cyber Center; 18-0870 For DCIT signature - Letters of Offer -; 18-0959 Consultation #2 on CCCS Executive Direction: Compliance Program; 18-0868 Briefing Note for DC ITS, DC PC- Proposed Changes to PC Count for the 2018/19 Cyber Defence Activities MA Period. Provide disclosure on an interim basis of each briefing note as it is finalized. Please provide the records digitally (via email or Canada Post epost if possible).
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 109