MARITIMES RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS The Fisheries and Oceans Canada ecosystem surveys are conducted annually and are a source of integrated ecosystem monitoring data. These survey data are the primary data source for monitoring trends in species distribution, abundance, and biological condition within the region, and also provide data to the Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program (AZMP) for monitoring hydrographic conditions, along with zooplankton and phytoplankton. The surveys follow a stratified random sampling design, and include sampling using a bottom otter trawl, CTD rosette and vertical plankton tows. Data from the bottom trawl catch are used to monitor the distribution and abundance of fish and invertebrates throughout the Scotian Shelf, Bay of Fundy and Georges Bank. Cite this data as: Clark, D., Emberley, J. Data of MARITIMES RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS. Published January 2021. Population Ecology Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S. 2023-07-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyAgricultural Aquatic SciencesAgricultureAnimals/VertebratesAquatic SciencesBiological ClassificationBiosphereEarth ScienceEcological DynamicsFishFisheriesOceansSpecies/Population InteractionsGulf of Maine and Bay of FundyNorth Atlantic OceanNorth AtlanticScotian Shelf MARITIMES 4VSW RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYHTML MARITIMES FALL RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYHTML MARITIMES SPRING RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYHTML MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYHTML

The Fisheries and Oceans Canada ecosystem surveys are conducted annually and are a source of integrated ecosystem monitoring data. These survey data are the primary data source for monitoring trends in species distribution, abundance, and biological condition within the region, and also provide data to the Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program (AZMP) for monitoring hydrographic conditions, along with zooplankton and phytoplankton. The surveys follow a stratified random sampling design, and include sampling using a bottom otter trawl, CTD rosette and vertical plankton tows. Data from the bottom trawl catch are used to monitor the distribution and abundance of fish and invertebrates throughout the Scotian Shelf, Bay of Fundy and Georges Bank.

Cite this data as: Clark, D., Emberley, J. Data of MARITIMES RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS. Published January 2021. Population Ecology Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.

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