MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEY “Summer” missions occur in June, July and August and these focus on the Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy (i.e. 4VWX 5Yb, expanding recently to include the Laurentian Channel and Georges Bank (5Zc). Collected data includes total catch in numbers and weights by species. Length frequency data is available for most species, as are the age, sex, maturity and weight information for a subset of the individual animals. Other data such as ageing material, genetic material, and stomach contents are often also collected, but are stored elsewhere. “Summer” cruises occur in May, June, July and August and these focus on the Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy (i.e. 4VWX). Cite this data as: Clark, D., Emberley, J. Data of MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS. Published January 2021. Population Ecology Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S. 2024-02-15 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyAgricultural Aquatic SciencesAgricultureAnimals/VertebratesAquatic SciencesBiological ClassificationBiosphereEarth ScienceEcological DynamicsFishFisheriesOceansSpecies/Population InteractionsGulf of Maine and Bay of FundyNorth Atlantic OceanNorth AtlanticScotian Shelf MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYESRI REST MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYESRI REST MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYFGDB/GDB MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYCSV Data DictionaryCSV

“Summer” missions occur in June, July and August and these focus on the Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy (i.e. 4VWX 5Yb, expanding recently to include the Laurentian Channel and Georges Bank (5Zc). Collected data includes total catch in numbers and weights by species. Length frequency data is available for most species, as are the age, sex, maturity and weight information for a subset of the individual animals. Other data such as ageing material, genetic material, and stomach contents are often also collected, but are stored elsewhere.

“Summer” cruises occur in May, June, July and August and these focus on the Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy (i.e. 4VWX).

Cite this data as: Clark, D., Emberley, J. Data of MARITIMES SUMMER RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS. Published January 2021. Population Ecology Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.

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