Land Cover of Canada - Cartographic Product Collection

Land Cover of Canada - Cartographic Product Collection Collection of Land Cover products for Canada as produced by Natural Resources Canada using Landsat satellite imagery. This collection of cartographic products offers classified Land Cover of Canada at a 30 metre scale, updated on a 5 year basis. - [Landcover of Canada 2010]( - [Landcover of Canada 2015]( -[Landcover of Canada 2020]( 2022-11-01 Natural Resources Canada Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyLand CoverRemote SensingLandsatReflectanceMid-latitudeWestern HemisphereNorthern HemisphereNorth AmericaCanadaGeographical maps

Collection of Land Cover products for Canada as produced by Natural Resources Canada using Landsat satellite imagery. This collection of cartographic products offers classified Land Cover of Canada at a 30 metre scale, updated on a 5 year basis.

-Landcover of Canada 2020

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