2010 Land Cover of Canada

2010 Land Cover of Canada Land cover information is necessary for a large range of environmental applications related to climate impacts and adaption, emergency response, wildlife habitat, etc. In Canada, a 2008 user survey indicated that the most practical land cover data is provided in a nationwide 30 m spatial resolution format, with an update frequency of five years. In response to this need, the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) has generated a 30 m land cover map of Canada for the base year 2010, as the first of a planned series of maps to be updated every five years, or more frequently. This land cover dataset is also the Canadian contribution to the 30 m spatial resolution 2010 Land Cover Map of North America, which is produced by Mexican, American and Canadian government institutions under a collaboration called the North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS). This land cover dataset for Canada is produced using observation from Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) Landsat sensors. An accuracy assessment based on 2811 randomly distributed samples shows that land cover data produced with this new approach has achieved 76.60% accuracy with no marked spatial disparities. - [Land Cover of Canada - Cartographic Product Collection](https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/11990a35-912e-4002-b197-d57dd88836d7) 2023-06-20 Natural Resources Canada rasim.latifovic@canada.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyLand CoverRemote SensingLandsatReflectanceMid-latitudeWestern HemisphereNorthern HemisphereNorth AmericaCanadaGeographical maps 2010 Land Cover of CanadaWMS https://datacube.services.geo.ca/web/landcover.xml?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS&version=1.3.0&layers=landcover-2010&legend_format=image%2Fpng&feature_info_type=text%2Fxml 2010 Couverture terrestre du CanadaWMS https://datacube.services.geo.ca/web/landcover.xml?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS&version=1.3.0&layers=landcover-2010&legend_format=image%2Fpng&feature_info_type=text%2Fxml 2010 Land Cover of CanadaTIFF https://datacube-prod-data-public.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/store/land/landcover/landcover-2010-classification.tif Canada's Land CoverHTML http://atlas.gc.ca/lcct/

Land cover information is necessary for a large range of environmental applications related to climate impacts and adaption, emergency response, wildlife habitat, etc. In Canada, a 2008 user survey indicated that the most practical land cover data is provided in a nationwide 30 m spatial resolution format, with an update frequency of five years. In response to this need, the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) has generated a 30 m land cover map of Canada for the base year 2010, as the first of a planned series of maps to be updated every five years, or more frequently. This land cover dataset is also the Canadian contribution to the 30 m spatial resolution 2010 Land Cover Map of North America, which is produced by Mexican, American and Canadian government institutions under a collaboration called the North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS). This land cover dataset for Canada is produced using observation from Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) Landsat sensors. An accuracy assessment based on 2811 randomly distributed samples shows that land cover data produced with this new approach has achieved 76.60% accuracy with no marked spatial disparities.

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Electronic Mail Address: rasim.latifovic@canada.ca

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