Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imagery

Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imagery A derivative of DFO’s benthic species survey for the Strategic Program for Ecosystem-based Research and Advice (SPERA) (open data record ID: e736c0f0-b19e-4842-903d-28bfc756d48a), this benthic survey funded through the Canadian Healthy Oceans Network (CHONeII) looks at the presence/absence and abundance of two biogenic habitat-forming species that are listed as vulnerable to disturbance in a subset of 50 drift camera transects in the ‘Head Harbour/West Isles Archipelago/The Passages’ Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area (EBSA) in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada (~113km2). Presence/absence and abundance data of the stalked sea squirt (Boltenia ovifera) and horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) were derived from the use of high-resolution Nikon D800 36.1 megapixel still images (n=2576, see link to parent record for more descriptive survey information) to be used in species distribution modelling. Image field of view (FOV) was estimated using a 10 cm-wide trigger weight for scale,and standardized across images using the average FOV estimate (0.75 x 0.5 m) across a subset of 200 images. Species counts were then converted to abundance estimates (number of individuals per square-meter) by dividing counts by 0.375m2. Boltenia ovifera was observed at densities reaching 456 ind./m2, while Modiolus modiolus density reached a maximum of 240 ind./m2. Cite this data as: Mireault C.A., Lawton P., Devillers R. and Teed L. Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imagery. Published September 2023. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B. 2024-11-15 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyMusselsNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)Northern Institute for Research in Environment and Occupational Health and Safety (Inrest)Regional and National Core fundsCoastal watersOceansAquatic ecosystemsEnvironment Data dictionaryCSV Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imageryFGDB/GDB Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imageryCSV Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imageryESRI REST Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imageryESRI REST

A derivative of DFO’s benthic species survey for the Strategic Program for Ecosystem-based Research and Advice (SPERA) (open data record ID: e736c0f0-b19e-4842-903d-28bfc756d48a), this benthic survey funded through the Canadian Healthy Oceans Network (CHONeII) looks at the presence/absence and abundance of two biogenic habitat-forming species that are listed as vulnerable to disturbance in a subset of 50 drift camera transects in the ‘Head Harbour/West Isles Archipelago/The Passages’ Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area (EBSA) in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada (~113km2). Presence/absence and abundance data of the stalked sea squirt (Boltenia ovifera) and horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) were derived from the use of high-resolution Nikon D800 36.1 megapixel still images (n=2576, see link to parent record for more descriptive survey information) to be used in species distribution modelling. Image field of view (FOV) was estimated using a 10 cm-wide trigger weight for scale,and standardized across images using the average FOV estimate (0.75 x 0.5 m) across a subset of 200 images. Species counts were then converted to abundance estimates (number of individuals per square-meter) by dividing counts by 0.375m2. Boltenia ovifera was observed at densities reaching 456 ind./m2, while Modiolus modiolus density reached a maximum of 240 ind./m2.

Cite this data as: Mireault C.A., Lawton P., Devillers R. and Teed L. Presence/absence and abundance of vulnerable marine ecosystem species Boltenia ovifera and Modiolus modiolus in the lower Bay of Fundy derived from high resolution still imagery. Published September 2023. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B.

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