Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag Database

Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag Database These data consist of the Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament landings database (1993-2022 inclusive) and the Canadian Dart tag database (2006 onwards; updated annually). Both were collected by the Maritimes Science Division of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The landings records include biological sampling from 4266 animals and the dart tag records include 4138 tagging and 97 recapture events to date. Potential users should consult Bowlby et al. (2022) for the description, management history, and technical details pertaining to these data. Information is focused on Blue Sharks because they were the primary species captured at recreational tournaments. Cite this data as: Bowlby, H., Joyce, W. Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag Database. Published January 2023 . Population Ecology Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S. 2023-07-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyShark TournamentTagging DatabaseOceans Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag DatabaseESRI REST Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag DatabaseESRI REST Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag DatabaseCSV Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag DatabaseFGDB/GDB Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag DatabaseGEOJSON Data DictionaryCSV

These data consist of the Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament landings database (1993-2022 inclusive) and the Canadian Dart tag database (2006 onwards; updated annually). Both were collected by the Maritimes Science Division of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The landings records include biological sampling from 4266 animals and the dart tag records include 4138 tagging and 97 recapture events to date. Potential users should consult Bowlby et al. (2022) for the description, management history, and technical details pertaining to these data. Information is focused on Blue Sharks because they were the primary species captured at recreational tournaments.

Cite this data as: Bowlby, H., Joyce, W. Recreational Shark Fishing Tournament Landings Data and Canadian Dart Tag Database. Published January 2023 . Population Ecology Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.

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