Proactive Disclosure - Briefing Note Titles and Numbers

Proactive Disclosure - Briefing Note Titles and Numbers In accordance with the *Access to Information Act*, the government proactively publishes titles and reference numbers of memoranda received by ministers and deputy heads. Briefing note titles may be partially or fully redacted in accordance with the legislation; for example, if the titles contain information related to national security, personal information, or Cabinet confidences. Learn more about [exemptions]( and [exclusions]( If you find a title of interest, you may make an [access to information request]( in order to obtain the records. 2025-01-24 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Government and PoliticsInformation and CommunicationsPDProactive DisclosureBriefing NotesBN Proactive Disclosure - Briefing Note Titles and NumbersCSV Data dictionaryXLSX Data dictionaryJSON Search Briefing Note Titles and NumbersHTML Search Briefing Note Titles and NumbersHTML Proactive Publication - Briefing Note Titles and Numbers Nothing to ReportCSV

In accordance with the Access to Information Act, the government proactively publishes titles and reference numbers of memoranda received by ministers and deputy heads.

Briefing note titles may be partially or fully redacted in accordance with the legislation; for example, if the titles contain information related to national security, personal information, or Cabinet confidences. Learn more about exemptions and exclusions.

If you find a title of interest, you may make an access to information request in order to obtain the records.

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