Government of Ontario

148 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Border crossings

    Border crossings are a feature included on the Official Road Map of Ontario (ORM) for information purposes to the travelling public. Included are highway-land and ferry crossings. It was created as part of the Digital Cartographic Reference Base (DCRB) for the production of the ORM.
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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    Ontario provincial land cover 1996 - 28 classes

    This data was produced in 1999 by rationalizing a 48-class database into 28 distinct classes. The original database was derived from digital, multispectral Landsat Thematic Mapper data recorded between 1986 and 1997, with most of the satellite data frames recorded in the early 1990s. The...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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    Air Quality Stations

    The air monitoring stations measure up to 6 common pollutants like: * ground-level ozone * fine particulate matter * nitrogen dioxide * carbon monoxide * sulphur dioxide * total reduced sulphur compounds The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks continually monitors air quality...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Ontario Forest Biomonitoring Network

    The Ontario Forest Biomonitoring Network (OFBN) monitors the health of mixed hardwood forests across southern and central Ontario. The data set includes: * Individual Tree Data: Decline Index and other measurements of visual stress symptoms of each tree within 111 plots * Decline Index: The...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Named geographic features

    Data set contains geographical referencing information like: * type of feature or place * location coordinates * geographic township * municipal and map references Also contains places and background information behind their official naming like: * name status * naming date * name origin * naming...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Greater Toronto Area digital elevation model 2002

    The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data is organized into 20km x 20km tiles with a spatial resolution of 5m. This data is intended to be used for pre-engineering survey and design as well as the production of planimetric mapping at differing accuracies. This data is intended for GIS and remote...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Caribou Range Boundary

    Shows areas where the health and prevalence of caribou can be linked to the attributes of the land that supports them. Ontario's Woodland Caribou Recovery Strategy (2008) provides advice and recommendations on the approaches needed for the recovery of Woodland Caribou. The strategy recommends the...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Well Records

    This dataset provides information submitted by well contractors as prescribed by Regulation 903, and is stored in the Water Well Information System (WWIS). Spatial information for all of the well records reported in Ontario are also provided. Well record map *[WWIS]: Water Well Information System...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Land contour

    Includes: * contour land * contour land approximate * contour land auxiliary/interpolated * contour land depression In southern Ontario the contour interval is 5 meters. In the near north the contour interval is 10 meters. In the Far North the contour interval depends on the information source....
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Standardized Precipitation Index

    The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was generated for certain Environment Canada long-term climate stations in Ontario. The SPI quantifies the precipitation deficit and surplus for multiple time scales , including: * one month * three months * six months * nine months * 12 months * 24...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Ontario Typical Range Soil Chemistry

    Concentration levels from soil sampled in urban and rural parklands in the province. Data includes: * station name and location (rounded to 1 km precision) * sample date * results for 35 inorganics (1991) * results for 8 volatile organic compounds (2009)
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Transport Point

    This dataset consists of man-made point features in a transportation network. Transport point features include: * Culvert Railway Symbolized - a enclosed drain under a railway * Culvert Roadway Symbolized - an enclosed drain under a roadway * Turntable Railway - a rotatable platform with a track,...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Baseline hydrology statistics

    The Baseline hydrology statistics (stream flow regime) in the Southwestern Hudson Bay and Nelson River watershed systems were produced for the Water Survey of Canada's HYDAT database. These baseline statistics provide information on the water quantity at each Water Survey Canada gauge location ....
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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    Ontario radar digital surface model

    The Ontario Radar DSM has the following features: * source data: 1 arc second spaceborne C-Band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) data * MNR Lambert Conformal Conic Projection * vertical datum in both EGM96 and CGVD28, separately * elevation value: floating * local Polynomial...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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    Ontario Integrated Hydrology (OIH) data

    Ontario Integrated Hydrology (OIH) data is used to generate watersheds and support provincial-scale hydrology applications including: * watershed generation * hydrologic modelling * watercourse network analysis Four key datasets are represented in each data package: * stream network (Enhanced...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Flood flow statistics

    Statistics include the flood magnitude with the following recurrence intervals: * 1:2 years * 1:2.33 years * 1: 5 years * 1:10 years * 1:20 years * 1:25 years * 1:50 years * 1:100 years * 1:200 years * 1: 500 years These flood statistics can be used for applications such as floodplain delineation...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Ontario Hydro Network - Watercourse

    Watercourses are line features - natural or manmade - that represent the location of flowing surface water. This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic information system
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Ontario Road Network: Road Net Element

    The ORN is a provincewide geographic database of over 250,000 kilometres of municipal roads, provincial highways, and resource and recreational roads. The ORN is the authoritative source of roads data for the Government of Ontario. Road names in the ORN are the official names provided by the...
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Beaver Dam

    This dataset contains linear features constructed by beavers. The linear features are captured to scale on: * single line rivers * lakes * double line rivers We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis.
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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  • Open Data

    Niagara Escarpment Plan policy area

    The Niagara Escarpment Special Policy Area is comprised of the North Aldershot Policy Area and the Waterdown Policy Area. More information
    Government of Ontario
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    Government of Ontario
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