05. Open Data Core Commitment


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Lead implementing department(s)
Treasury Board Secretariat
Open Data
Reporting period

Deliverables for this commitment are on track to be completed by June 2016.


Continue to unlock the potential of open data through a series of innovative and forward-looking projects that drive government-wide progress on open data and prioritize easy access to high-value federal data.

Results Next Steps Body Completion Level
  • Since July 1, 2014, more than 500 new datasets have been added to the Government of Canada’s open data portal from 24 federal institutions under the Open Government Licence – Canada.
  • Continue the release of new open datasets by federal departments and agencies, with a particular focus on releasing high-value and high-quality datasets.

1. Continue to prioritize and expand the release of high-quality open data from federal departments and agencies under a single Open Government Licence.

  • A series of public, in-person consultation sessions and workshops were held in Ottawa, ON in late to explore considerations for prioritizing the release of open data. A report on the results of these consultations is currently being developed.
  • Continue to connect with Canadians through engagement opportunities and respond to ongoing requests for datasets received through the “Suggest a Dataset” function.

2. Complete public consultations with Canadians and civil society organizations in support of the prioritization of open data releases.

  • This deliverable is now complete.
    • Moving forward, planned enhancements to open.canada.ca include further improvements to the site’s back-end registry (CKAN) and integration of new, enhanced geospatial catalogue established as part of the Federal Geospatial Platform (see below).

3. Launch a new government-wide open government portal (open.canada.ca) with expanded open data services

  • Interactive, thematic open data communities and enhanced consultation functionality and online forums;
  • Directory of open data services across Canada;
  • Expanded developers' tools to support reuse of federal data
  • Enhanced data discovery; and
  • Standardized release procedures, formats, and metadata.
  • The Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE 2015) hackathon was held Feb 20-22, 2015, with 1,300 participants and 125 total submissions (respectively 40% and 15% increases over CODE 2014).
    • Broader outreach to the developer community was completed, including a more robust social media campaign to promote CODE.
    • CODE 2015 was expanded to three VIP hubs in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, with seven additional community-hosted partner hubs established in Victoria, Calgary, Sarnia, London, Ottawa, Quebec City, and Fredericton.
    • Participants developed their applications in one of three sub-theme categories: Healthy Living, Business Opportunities, and Youth Employment.
    • CODE 2015 Winning Teams, were announced on March 26, 2015 at a Grand Finale event held in Toronto, ON.
    • The grand-prize winning Career Path by Niew Labs app helps Canadian youth discover, research, and choose future career paths.
  • This deliverable is now complete.
    • Future hackathons will continue to promote the use of federal open data, as well as data from other levels of government in Canada.

4. Expand and deliver the Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE) by:

  • Increasing promotion of CODE activities and events;
  • Expanding the use of regional hubs to increase participation in all areas of Canada; and
  • Creating sub-themes to focus application development on everyday challenges facing Canadians.
  • Development of the new Federal Geospatial Platform (FGP) is currently underway, bringing together the government’s most relevant geospatial information to support decision-making, foster innovation, and provide better service for Canadians.
  • With the participation of 21 departments and agencies that produce and/or consume geospatial data, the FGP is also fundamentally changing the way government shares, uses and manages its geospatial information.
  • Key achievements in support of the FGP over the past year include:
    • Development of shared, technical infrastructure to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of geospatial information by federal departments;
    • Preparation of over 140 high-value datasets and services for the first release of the FGP;
    • Development of a revised geospatial metadata standard, along with several guidance documents to ensure better data and service quality; and
    • Enhancements to the Government of Canada’s Open Government Portal (open.canada.ca) to ensure that geospatial content will be seamlessly searchable and available through the Portal.
  • Launch initial FGP portal on open.canada.ca ()
  • Expand data and enable enhanced visualization of geospatial data ()

5. Consolidate the management of federal geospatial data across the Government of Canada to make this information more accessible and reusable via federal open government websites

  • The IATI standard has been adopted by federal departments implicated in the delivery of international development aid.
  • A new, whole-of-government IATI Implementation Schedule has been published, including a specific schedule for DFATD.
  • Three federal departments representing over 90% of Canada's official development assistance are now publishing data in accordance with the IATI Standard - see links below to departments' IATI data from:
  • Outreach activities to encourage the participation of Canadian civil society organizations in IATI are ongoing.
    • Discussions with stakeholders took place during recent open data events in Ottawa, ON from to to explore ways to understand constraints to the adoption of open aid data standards and explore potential solutions.
  • Publish IATI Implementation Schedules for the Department of Finance and IDRC (Completed).
  • DFATD, IDRC, and Finance to continue to publish data as outlined in their respective IATI implementation schedules.
  • Continue to work with stakeholders to increase the use of open data standards (ongoing)

6. Broaden adoption of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard in the Government of Canada, and encourage other Canadian actors to publish their own data, in particular, civil society organizations.


Supports all four OGP principles: transparency, civic participation, accountability, and access to new technologies for openness. This commitment is targeted at helping address the OGP Grand Challenges of improving public services, increasing public integrity, and effectively managing public resources by making more high-value, standardized data available from federal institutions and engaging Canadians in reusing that data.


Accelerates the proactive release of high-value data promoting government transparency, supporting international standards, furthering innovation, maximizing reuse, and continuing to enhance and improve government-wide open data platforms and services.

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