Integrated Resource Plan - Subregional

Integrated Resource Plan - Subregional The Integrated Resource Plan - Subregional dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Sub-Regional Integrated Resource Plans (IRP) in Alberta. All the Sub-Regional IRPs were completed under the Integrated Resource Planning Program, from 1976 to approximately 1995. These plans were endorsed by the Government of Alberta with most being approved by Cabinet. The Sub-Regional Plans describe land-use zonation and objectives within individual defined planning areas, to ensure overall consistency with Regional goals and objectives. An Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a plan which identifies the values and associated land and resource management goals for the planning area in consideration of the maintenance of social, economic, and ecological values. An IRP provides direction regarding the type of land and resource management activity that would facilitate meeting the stated objectives in the planning area (for example: recreation, grazing, industrial and commercial activities). The public was often involved in contributing input to the development of an IRP. Majority of IRP plans were endorsed by the Government of Alberta in various periods. 2024-05-02 Government of Alberta Society and CultureBOUNDARIESINTEGRATED-RESOURCE-PLAN---SUBREGIONALINTEGRATED-RESOURCE-PLANS---SUB-REGIONALINTEGRATED-RESOURCE-PLANS---SUBREGIONALIRP---SUB-REGIONALIRP---SUBREGIONALIRP-SUB-REGIONALIRP-SUBREGIONALSUB-REGIONAL-INTEGRATED-RESOURCE-PLANSUB-REGIONAL-INTEGRATED-RESOURCE-PLANSSUB-REGIONAL-IRPSUBREGIONAL-INTEGRATED-RESOURCE-PLANSUBREGIONAL-INTEGRATED-RESOURCE-PLANSSUBREGIONAL-IRPGovernment information Integrated Resource Plan - Subregional (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)ESRI REST Integrated Resource Plan - Subregional (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)ESRI REST Integrated Resource Plan - Subregional (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)ESRI REST

The Integrated Resource Plan - Subregional dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Sub-Regional Integrated Resource Plans (IRP) in Alberta. All the Sub-Regional IRPs were completed under the Integrated Resource Planning Program, from 1976 to approximately 1995. These plans were endorsed by the Government of Alberta with most being approved by Cabinet. The Sub-Regional Plans describe land-use zonation and objectives within individual defined planning areas, to ensure overall consistency with Regional goals and objectives. An Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a plan which identifies the values and associated land and resource management goals for the planning area in consideration of the maintenance of social, economic, and ecological values. An IRP provides direction regarding the type of land and resource management activity that would facilitate meeting the stated objectives in the planning area (for example: recreation, grazing, industrial and commercial activities). The public was often involved in contributing input to the development of an IRP. Majority of IRP plans were endorsed by the Government of Alberta in various periods.

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