Deer Browse - Summer Herbaceous - Thousand Islands

Deer Browse - Summer Herbaceous - Thousand Islands Browse surveys occur yearly in July-August and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m intervals. Percent cover of priority invasive species, as well as leeks, ferns, grasses and bare ground are assessed visually. 2024-04-14 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentHyperabundant SpeciesHerbivoreDeerBrowseThousand IslandsOntario Deer Browse - Summer Herbaceous - Thousand Islands -DataCSV

Browse surveys occur yearly in July-August and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m intervals. Percent cover of priority invasive species, as well as leeks, ferns, grasses and bare ground are assessed visually.

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